Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
Question: 1
You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that is implemented as follows. (Line numbers are included for reference only.)
02[Service Behavior(includeExceptionDetàilslnFaults = true)1 03putiic class Order Service 04{
05[Operation Contract]
06putiic void Submit Order(Order an Order) 07{
O8try 09{ 10...
11) 12catch(DivideByZeroExcepton ex) 13{ 14 15)
You need to ensure that the stack trace details of the exception ae not included in the error information sent to the client. What should you do?
A.Replace line 14 with the following line. throw:
B.Replace line 14 with the following line throw new Fault Exception<Order>(anOrder, ex.ToString(fl;
C.After hne 05, add the following line. [Fault Contract(typeof(FaukEception<Order>))J Replace line 14 with the following line throw ex;
D.Alter hne 05, add the following line [Fault Contract(typeof(FaultException<Order>))J Replace line 14 with the following line. throw new FaultException<Order>(anOrder, "Divide by zero exception”):
Answer: D
Question: 2
You ae creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)service that is implemented as folks. (Line numbers are included for reference only.)
01 <ServiceContract0>? 02<ServiceBehaior(lncludeExceptionDetailInFaults: Time)> 03Public Class OrderService
04 05eCNperationCortracto>d
O6Putdic Sub Submit Order(ByVal anOrder As Order) 07
08Try 09.
10Catch ex As D wide By Zero Exception 11
12End Try 13End Sub 14
15End Class
You need to ensure that the sack trace details of the exception are not included in the error information sent to the client. What should you do?
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
A.Replace line 11 with the following line. Throw
B.Replace line 11 with the following line. Throw New Fault Exception(C* Order)(anOrder, exToSthng0)d
C.After line 05, add the following line. ‘cFault Contract(Get Type(FautException(Of Order)))> Replace line 11 with the following line. Throw ex
D.After mne 05, add the following line. <Fault Contract(Get Type(FaultException(CX Order)))> Replace line 11 with the following line. Throw New FaultException(CX Order)( anOrder, “Divide by zero exception”)
Answer: D
Question: 3
You are creating a windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. You do not want to pose the internal implementation at the service layer You need to expose the following class as a service named Arithmetic the an operation named Sum public class Calculator { public int Add(int x, nty) { ) } Which code segment should you use?
A.[ServiceContract(Namespace=”Arithmetic")J public class Calculator { [Operation Contract(Action”Sum)]m public int Add(int x, intt y) {} }
B.IServiceContract(ConfigurationName=”Arithmetic”)J public class Calculator { IOperaion Contract(Action”Sum’)]m public nit Add(int x, int y) } }
C.[ServiceContract(Namie=”Arithmetic")] public class Calculator ( [OperationContract(Namee"Sum)] public int Add(int x, lnt y) ( }
D.[ServiceContract(Namie=”Arithmtic”)] public class Calculator { (OperationContract(ReplyAction"Sum”)] public int Add(int x, lit y) (
Answer: C
Question: 4
You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service You do not want to expose the internal implementation at the service layer You need to expose the following class as a service named Arithmetic with an operation named Spurn. Public Class Calculator Public Function Add(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal yAs Integer) As Integer End Function End Class Which code segment should you use?
A.<ServceContract(Namespace: ‘Arithmetic")> Public Class Calculator <OperationContract(Action:z”Su.rn’)>? Public Function Add(ByVaI x As integer, ByVal yAs Integer) As Integer End Function End Class
B.<ServiceContract(ConfigurationName:=”Arithmetic”)> Public Class Calculator <OperationContract(Action:z”Surm”)s Public Function Add(ByVal x As integer, ByVal yAs Integer) As Integer End Function End Class
C.<ServiceContract(Name: “Arithmetic")> Public Class Calculator <OperationContract(Name: “Sum’)> Public Function Add(ByVaI x As integer, ByVal yAs Integer) As Integer
D.<ServiceContract(Name: z’Arithmetic”)> Public Class Calculator <OperationContract(ReplyAction: “Sum”)> Public Function Add(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) As Integer End Function End Class
Answer: C
Question: 5
You are developing a data contract for a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. The data in the data contract must participate in round trips. Strict schema validity is not required. You need to ensure that the contract is forward compatible and allows new data members to be added to it. Which interface should you implement in the data contract class?
A. lCommunicationObject
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
B.lExtension <T>
C.lExtensibleObject <Ts
Answer: D
Question: 6
You are developing a data contract for a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service The data in the data contract must participate in round tnps Strict schema validity is not required You need to ensure that the contract is forward-compatible and allows new data members to be added to it Which interface should you implement in the data contract class?
B.lExtension(Of T)
C.lExtensibleObyect(Or T)
Answer: D
Question: 7
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) application uses a data contract that has several data members. You need the application to throw a Serialization Exception if any of the data members are not present when a serialized instance of the data contract is desterilized. What should you do?
A.Add the Known Type attribute to the data contract. Set a default value in each of the data member declarations.
B.Add the Known Type attribute to the data contract. Set the Order property of each data member to unique integer value.
C.Set the Emit Default Value property of each data member to false.
D.Set the sequined property of each data member to true.
Answer: D
Question: 8
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) application uses the following data contract [Data Contract] public class Person { [Data Member] public string first Name, [Data Member] public string last Name: [Data Member] public mnt age; [Data Member] public int ID; } You need to ensure that the following xML segment is generated when the data contract is serialized. <Person> <first Name xsi:nile”true’I> <last Name xsi:nil-true"/> <lD>999999999 <liD> </Person> Which code segment should you use?
A.[Data Member| public string first Name; [Data Member] public string last Name; [Data Member(EmitDefaultValue true)) public nit age = 0; [Data Member(EmitDefaultvalue true)] public int ID 999999999;
B.[DataMember(EmitDefaultvalue false)] public string first Name = null; [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)] public string last Name = null; [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = true)] public int age = -1: [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue false)] public nit ID 999999999
C.[DataMember (EmitDefaultValue = true)] public string first Name; [Datal\ilember(EmitDefaultValue true)] public string IastNarne; [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)] public nmt age -t [DataMember (EmitDefaultValue false)] public nit ID = 999999999
D.[DataIviember] public string first Name = null;
[DatalViember] public string last Name = null; [DataMember (EmitDefaultValue = false)] public nit age = 0:
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
[DataFvlember(EmitDefaultValue false)] public nit ID = 999999999;
Answer: D
Question: 9
A Windows Communication Foundation (WC9 application uses the following data contract. <DataContractO> Public Class Person <DataMemberOs Public first Name As String <DataMemberO> Public last Name As String <DataMemberO> Public age As Integer <DataMemberO> Public ID As Integer End Class You need to ensure that the following XML segment is generated when the data contract is serialized. <Person> <first Name xsi:nilz’true”/> <last Name xsi:nifr”true’/> <ID>999999999 <lID> <Person> Which code segment should you use?
A.<DataMember> Public first Name As String <DataMember> Public last Name As String <DataMember(EmitDefaultValue:=True)> Public age As Integer 0 <DataMember(EmitDefaultValue:=True)s Public ID As Integer = 999999999
B.<DataMember(EmitDefaultValue:sFalse)>? Public first Name As String = Nothing <DataMemnber(EmitDefaultValue:zFalse)> Public last Name As String = Notling <Dismember(EmitDefaultValue:=True)> Public age As Integer = -1 <DataMember(EmtDefaultValue:sFalse)s> Public ID As Integer = 999999999
C.<DataMember(EmitDefaultValue =True)> Public first Name As String <DataMember(EmitDefaultValuee:True)s> Public last Name As String <Dattlember(EmitDefauftValue:zfalse)> Public age As Integer = -1 <DataMember(EmtDefaultValue:=False)> Public ID As Integer = 999999999
D.<DataMemberO> Public first Name As String = Nothing <D1aMemberO> Public last Name As String = Nothing <DataMember(EmitDefaultValue:zFalse)> Public age As Integer =0 <DataMember (EmitDefautfValueaFaIse)> Putiic ID As Integer = 999999999
Answer: D
Question: 10
The following is an example of a SOAP envelope. <s:Enelope xmlns:se’http://schemas.xmlsoporg/soap/envelopef’>
Header> <h:Storeld xmlns:he"http:/!www.contoso.com”s 6495 <Ih: Storeld> </s:Header> <s:Body> <CheckStockRequest xmlnsehttp://wwwcorIosocom”> <ltemld>2469 <Iltenld>4 </CheckStoc kRequest> <Is: Body> <Is: Envelope> You need to create a message contract that generates the SOAP envelope. 1 which code segment should you use?
A.[MessageContract(WrapperName=”http:I/www. contoso. comn”)] public class CheckStockRequest { [MessageHeader(Nanez"http:llwww.contoso.com”)] public mnt Storeld{get; set.}
[MessageBodyMember(Namee’intp://www..contoso.com”)] public nit itemld{get set;) }
B.[MessageContract(Wrapper Namespace="http:I/www.contoso. comn”)] public class CheckStoc kRequest { [MessageHeader(Namespaces"http:I/www.contosocom”)]o public nmt Storeld{get; set;) [MessageBodyMember(Namespaces” http://www. contoso . comn”)] public nmt ltemld{get; set;} }
C.[MessageContract(WrapperNamespace=”http://www. contosocom”)] pi±lic class CheckStockRequest { [MessageHeader(Na-mespacesttp://wwwcontoso. comn")] public mnt Storeld{get set.} public mnt ltemld{get: set;} )
D.(MessageContract(WrapperNamespace=”httpJ/www. contosoc om”)] piblic class CheckStockRequest { [MessageHeader(Namespace11tp:IIwww. contoso. comn")] public int Storeld{get set;} (MessageBodyMember] public int ltemmld(get set} }
Answer: B
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
Question: 11
The following is an example of a SOAP envelope <s:Enelope xmlns:sshttp Ilschemas xmlso org/soap/enveloper> <s: Header> <h:Stoweld xmlns:hzmttp:/twww.contoso.com”>
6495 <!h: Storeld> <Is: Header>
Bodys <CheckStockRequet xmlns=”httpJIwww.contoso.comy> <Itemlh2469 c/ttemmdd> </CheckStockRequest> <Is: Bodys <Is: Erwelope> You need to create a message contract that generates the SOAP envelope Which code segment should you use?
A.<MessageContract(WrapperName: =“http:IIwww.contoso.com)> Public Class CheckStockReque <MessageHeader(Name http://www.conto.comn’)> Public Property Storeld As Integer <MessageBodyMenter(Name: —Thttp://www.contoso.com’)> Public Property ltemld As Integer End Class
B.<MessageContract(WrapperNamespace ThttpiIwww. c ortoso corn”)> Public Class CheckStockRequest <MessageHeader(Namespace:z”http:/Iwwwcontoso. comn’)> Public Property Storeld As Integer <MessageBodyMember(Namespace: ‘http Ilwwww c ontoso c om")> Public Property ltemld As Integer End Class
C.<MessageContract (WrapperNamespace: =http://www.cortoso.comn”)> Public Class CheckStockReque <MessageHeader(Namnespace. ‘http://www.contoso.comw)> Public Property Storeld As Integer Public Property Itemld As Integer End Class
D.<MessageContract(WrapperNamespace: http://www.conoso.comn”)> Public Class CheckStockRequest <MessageHeader(Namespace:z’http://www.contoso.comn”)> Public Property Storeld As Integer cMessageBodyMernber0>a Public Property Itemld As Integer End Class
Answer: B
Question: 12
You are developing a client that sends several types of SOP? messages to a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service method named Post Data Post Data is currently defined as follows [OperaionContractj? void Post Data(Order data); You need to modify Post Data so that it can receive any SO6P message which code segment should you use
A. [OperaionContract0sOneWay true, Action = ‘v’, ReplyAction | void Post Data(Order data); |
B.(OperaionCoritract(1sOneWay = true, Action “v’, ReplyAction = “.‘)J addPostData(BodyWriterdata);
C.[OperaionContractJ void PostDaa(BodyWnter data);
D.[OperaionContract] void PostDaa(Message data);
Answer: D
Question: 13
You are developing a client that sends several types of SOAP messages to a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service method named Post Data Post Data is currently defined as folIows <OperahonContracto> Sub Post Data(Byval data As Order) You need to modify Postdate so that it can receive any SOAP message. Which code segment should you use?
A.<OperationContract(lsOneWay True, Action ReplyAction ‘-)> Sub Post Data(ByVal data As Order)
B.eOperationContract(lsOneway: zTrue, Action:z’-’, ReplyAction: z"-’)> Sub PostData(ByVal data As BodyWriter)
C.<OperationContractO> Sub PostData(Byval data As BodyWriter)
D.<OperationContract0> Sub PostData(ByVal data As Message)
Answer: D
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
Question: 14
A class named Test Service implements the following interface. [ServiceContract] public interface lTestService { [OperationContract] Date Time GetServiceTimeo; } Test Service is hosted in an ASP.NET application. You need to modify the application to allow the GetServiceTime method to return the data formatted as JSON. It must do this only when the request URL ends in /ServiceTime What should you do?
A. Add this attribute to the GetServiceTime method. [Weblnvoke(Methode”POSl”)] In the web.config file, add this element to system.serviceModel/behaviors/endpointBehaviors. <behavior namee"Json”>c <enableWebScript I> </behavior> In the web.config file, configure Test Service in the system.serviceModel/services collection as follows <service namez’TestService”> <endpoint addresse"/ServiceTime” contracts”TestService”r behaviorConfigurationz”Uson” bindingz”webHttpBinding” I> </service>
B.Add this attribute to the GetServiceTime method. [Weblnvoke (Method = “GET’, UriTemplate "/ServiceTime”, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)] In the web.config file, configure Test Service in the system.serviceModel/services collection as follows. <service namez”TestService"> <endpoint address="/ServiceTime” contract=”Test Service” bindinge”webHttpBinding”!s? </service>
C.Add this attribute to the GetServiceTime method [VVebGet( ResponseFormat= WebMessageFormatJson, UriTemplatee"/ServiceTime”)] Create a new svc file named Jsonversion.svc with the following content. <%@ ServiceHost Servicee"TestService’ Factorye”SystemServiceModeLActivationWebServiceHostFactory" %>
D.Add this attribute to the GetServiceTime method. [WebGet(UriTemplate = {Uson)/ServiceTime”)] Create a new
.svc file named Jsonversion svc with the following content <%a ServiceHost Servicee”TestService”e Factory=”System ServiceModel.ActivationWebServiceHostFactory" %>
Answer: C
Question: 15
A class named Tea Service implements the following interface <ServceContract0>? Public Interface lTestService <OperationContractO> Function GetServiceTime() As Date Time End Interface Test Service is hosted in an ASP.NET applicator. You need to modify the application to allow the GetServiceTime method to return the data formatted as JSON It must do this only wten the request URL ends in lServiceTime. What should you do?
A. Add this attnbute to the GetServiceTime method <webhvoke(Methodt “POST)> In the bconfig file, add this element to systemserviceModeI/behaviors/endpointBehaviors. <behavior names”Json”>e <enabeeWebScript c/behavior>
In the web.conflg file, configure Test Service in the system.serviceModel/services collection as follows. <service namee"TestService”>s <endpoint addresseo/ServiceTime” contract-”TestSerAce”” behaviorConlfgurationz’Json bindinge”webHttpBinding”!> <!services
B.Add ths attrbute to the GetServiceTime method <Webhvoke(Method PGETw, UrTemplate:eiSeneiceTim&, ResponseFormat: WebMessageFormatJson)> In the bconfIg file, configure TestService in the system.arviceModeI/services collection as follows. <senvice namee"TestService”> <endpoint ad&esse"ISer,iceTime”r contracte"TestSence’ bindingewebHttpBindngw /> c/service>
C.Add this attribute to the GetServiceTime method <webGet( ResponseFormat WebMessageFormatJson, UnTemplate:eJServiceTime")>? Create a new svc file named Jsonversion svc with the following contract <%@ ServiceHost Servicee"TessService”i Factory="System ServiceModelktivation WebServiceHosFactory" %s
D.Add this attribute to the GetServiceTime method <WebGet(UriTempbte: z”{Json}/ServiceTime”)> Create a new svc file named Jsonversionsvc with the following contert <%@ ServiceHost Service=”TestSenvice” Factoryz’System Se viceMode[ktivationWebServiceHodFactory" %>
Answer: C
Question: 16
You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that implements operations in a RESTful
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
manner You need to add a delete operation You implement the delete method as follows. string oid Delectates(string id); You need to configi.re WCF to ci this method when the client calls the service with the HTTP DRETE opera on What should you do?
A.Add the Weblnvoke(UriTemplate = "/Items/(idy, Method=”DELETE") attribute to the operation
B.Add the Http Delete tribute to the operation
C.Replace the stnng parameter with a RemovedActivityAction parameter
D.Replace the retumn type with RemovedActivityktion.
Answer: A
Question: 17
You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that implements operations in a RESTful manner. You need to add a delete operation You implement the delete method as follows. Sub Delectates(Byval id As String) You need to configure WCF to call this method when the client calls the service with the HTTP DELETE operation What should you do
A.Add the Weblnvoke(UriTemplatez’7ltems/(id}, Method:z”DELETE”) attribute to the operation.
B.Add the Http Delete attribute to the operation.
C.Replace the string parameter with a RemovedActivityAction parameter
D.Change the Sub statement to Function and specify RemovedActivityAction as the return type.
Answer: A
Question: 18
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service uses the following service contract. [ServceContract] public interface IService { [OperationContract] string Operation 1 (stnng s); } You need to ensure that the operation contract Operationi responds to HTTP POST requests. Which code segment should you use?
A.[OperationContract| [Weblnvoke(Method POST)] string Operation(string s);
B.[OperationContract| [WebGet(UriTemplate = POST’)] string Operation 1 (string s);
C.[OperationContract(ReplyAction z ‘POST’)J string Operationi (string s);
D.[OperationContract(Action WPOST)1 string Operation(string s);
Answer: A
Question: 19
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service uses the following service contract. <ServiceContracto> Public Interface IService <OperationContract0>? Function Operation 1 (RyVal s As String) As String End Interface You need to ensure that the operation contract Operation 1 responds to HTTP POST requests.
A.<OperationContract0> <Weblnvoke(Method:z’POST”)> Function Operation 1 (ByVal s As String) As String
B.<OperationContract0> <WebGet(UriTemplate: “POST’)> Function Operation 1 (ByVal s As String) As String
C.<OperationContract(ReplyAction: ‘POST")> Function Operation 1 (ByVal s As String) As String
D.<OperationContract(Action:z”POST”)> Function Operation 1 (ByVal s As String) As String
Answer: A
Question: 20
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service implements a contract with one-way and request-reply operations. The service is exposed over a TCP transport. Clients use a router to communicate with the service.
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
The router is implemented as follows. (Line numbers are included for reference only.) 01 ServiceHost host = new Service Host (typeof(Routing Service));
02 host AddServiceEndpoint(
03 typeof(lSimplexDatagramRouter),
04 new NetTcpBinding0, “net.tcp:/flocalhostlRouter” 05);
06 List <ServiceEndpoints lep new List <ServiceEndpoint>0;t
07 lep.Add(
08 new ServiceEndpoint(
10typeof(lSimplexDatagramRouter) 11),
12new NetTcpBinding0,
13new EndpointAddress|’nettcp://localhost: 8080/Logger”) 14)
16Routing Configuration rc new RoutingConfigurationO;
17rc. FilterTable.Add(new MatchAilMessageFilterO, lep);
18host. Description. Behaviors. Add(new Routing Behavior(rc)); Request-reply operations are failing.
You need to ensure that the router can handle one-way and request-reply operations. What should you do?
A.Change line 03 as follows. Type of (l RequestReplyRouter),
B.Change line 03 as follows. Type of (lDuplexSessionRouter),
C.Change line 10 as follows. Type of (lRequestReplyRouter)
D.Change line 10 as follows. Type of (lDuplexSessionRouter)
Answer: B
Question: 21
A Windows Communication Foundation (WC9 service implements a contract with one-way and request-reply operations. The service is exposed over a TCP transport Clients use a router to communicate with the service. The router is impemented as follows. (Line numbers are included for reference only.)
01 Dim host As ServiceHost =
02 New ServiceHost(GetType(RoutingService))
03 hostAddServiceEndpoint(
04 GetType(lSimplexDatagramRouter),
05 New NetTcpBinding0, “net.tcp://localhostlRouter”
07 Dim lep As List(Of ServiceEndpoint) =
08 New List(Of SenviceEndpointx)
10New ServiceEndpoint(
12GetType(lSimplexDatagramRouter) 13)1
14New NetTcpBinding0,x
15New EndpointAddressf’nettcp://localhost:8080/Logger’) 16)
18Dim rc As RoutingConfiguration = New RoutingConfiguration()
19rc . FitterTable.Add(New Matctf4llMessageFilter0, lep)
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
20 host. Description. Behaviors.Add(New RoutingBehavior(rc)) Request-reply operations are failing.
You need to ensure that the router can handle one-way and request-reply operations. What should you do?
A.Change line 04 as follows. Get Type (lRequestReplyRouter),
B.Change line 04 as fdlows Get Type (lDuplexSessionRouter),
C.Change line 12 as fdlows Getlype (lRequestReplyRouter)
D.Change line 12 as follows. Get Type (IDuplexSessionRouter)
Answer: B
Question: 22
You are modifying an existing Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that is defined as follows [ServiceContract| public interface lMessageProcessor { [OperaionContract] void Proc essMessxe0:n ) public class Message Processor: IMessageProcessor { public void Procesdiessage(0 { SumrmmtOrderO; } ) Subm(Order makes a call to ancrher service The Procesdiessage method does nc perform as expected under a heavy load You need to enable processing cI multiple messages. New messages must only be processed when the Process Message method is n processing requests, or when it is waiting for calls to SubmitOrder to rectum Which attribute should you apply to the Message Processor class?
A.Call back Behavior (Conc urrencyMode Conc urencyMode. Reentrant)
B.Call back Behavior (Concurrency Mode = ConcurrencyModeiMultiple)n
C.Service Behavior (Conc urrencyMode Conc urrencyMode. Reentrant)
D.Service Behavior (Concurrency Mode = Concurrency Mode Pwultiple)y
Answer: C
Question: 23 You are modifying an existing Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that is defined as follows <ServiceContractO> Public Interface IMessageProcessor <OperationContractO> Sub ProcessMessage() End Interface Public Class MessageProcessor Implements IMessageProcessor Public Sub ProcessMessage() -Implements IMessageProcessor ProcessMessage SummitOrder() End Sub End Class SubmitOrder makes a call to another senvice. The ProcessMessage method does not perform as expected under a heavy load You need to enable processing of multiple messages New messages must only be processed when the ProcessMessage method is not processing requests, or when it is waiting for calls to SubmitOrder to retumn. which attribute should you apply to the MessageProcessor class?
A.Call back Behavior (ConcurrencyMode: ConcurrencyMode Reentrant)
B.Call back Behavior (ConcurrencyMode:=ConcurrencyModeMuttiple)
C.Service Behavior (Conc urrencyMode: =Conc urrencyMode. Reentrant)
D.Service Behavior (ConcurrencyMode ConcurrencyMode Multiple)
Answer: C
Question: 24
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) servce listens for messages at net tcpilwwwcontoso.comMMyService. It has a logical address at http/Iwwwcontosocorn)MyService The configuration for the WCF client is as follows <endpoint addressrhTttpllwwwcontosocom/MyService” bindinge”netTc pBinding” bindingConfiguraton-NetTc pBinding_lMyService contract="ServiceReference 1. IMyServce’ name=’NetTcpBinding_lllyService"/>v The generated configuration does not provide enough information for the client to communicate with the server. You need to update the client so that it can communicate with the server What should you do?
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
A.In the client configuration. change the value of the address attribute to nettcp:/Iwwwcontosocom/MyService
B.In the client configuration, change the value of the address attribute to net.tcp:Ilwwwcontosocom/MyServicellisten=http:/Iwwwcontosocom/MyService.
C.After instantiating the client and before invoking any service operation, add this line of code client Endpoint BehaviorsAdd( new EndpointDiscoveryBehawior0{ Enabled true });
D.After instantiating the client and before invoking any service operation, add this line of code. client. Endpoint BehaviorsAdd( new Client ViaBehavior( new Uhcnet.tc pifwww c ontoso comiIMyService)))
Answer: D
Question: 25
A Windows Communication Foundation (wCF) service is self hosted in a console application The service implements the lDataAccess contract, which is defined in the MyApphcation namespace. The service is implemented in a class named DataAccessServicewhich implements the lDataAccess interface and also is defined in the MyApplication namespace. The hosting code is as follows. (Line numbers are included for reference only.)
01 static void Main(stnng(j args)
02 {
03 ServiceHost host
05 host.OpenO;
06 Console. Read Line0;
07 host. CloseO;
08) You need to create a ServiceHost instance and assign it to the host variable,
You also need to instantiate the service host. Which line of code should you insert at line 04?
A.Host = new ServiceHost(”MyApplication.DataAccessService”
B.Host z new ServiceHostCNyApplicationiDataAccess”);
C.Host z new ServiceHost(typeof(iDataAccess))
D.Host = new ServiceHost(typeof(DataAccessService));
Answer: D
Question: 26
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service implements the following contract. [ServiceContract| public interface IHelloService { [OperationContract] [VVebGet(UriTemplate = “hello?namee{name}”)] string SayHello(string name); } The implementation is as follows. Public class HelloServicee: IHelloService { public string SayHello(string name) { return “Hello “.+ name; } } The senvice is self-hosted, and the hosting code is as follows. WebServiceHost svcHost = CreateHoseO; svcHost.OpenO; Console. ReadLineO; SrvHost.CloseO; You need to implement CreateHost so that the senvice has a single endpoint hosted at http://localhost:8OO0/HelloService
Which code segment should you use?
A.WebServiceHost svcHost new WebServiceHost(typeof(HelloService)); svcHost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(lHelloService), new WebHttpBinding(WebHttpSecurityMode None), “http://localhost:8000/HelloService”); return svcHost;
B.Ur baseAddress = new Urit’http:I/localhost:800O1");r WebServiceHost svc Host new WebServiceHost(typeof(HelloService), baseAddress); svcHostAddServiceEndpoint(typeof(lHelloService), new WebHttpBinding(WebHttpSecurityMode. None), “HelloService”); return svc Host;
C.WebServiceHost svcHost = new Web Service Host(new HelloServiceO); svcHost AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(lHelloService), new WebHttpBinding(WebHttpSecurityMode. None),
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
“http://Iocalhost: 8000/HelloService”); retumn svcHost D. Ur baseAddress new Uri(’http //Iocalhost 8000/");
WebServiceHost svc Host = new WebServiceHost(new HelloService0, baseAddress), svc Host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IHelloService), new WebHttpBinding(WebHttpSec urityMode None), "HelloService"); retumn svc Host;
Answer: A
Question: 27
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service implements the following cortract. <ServiceContract0>? Public Interface lHeloServic e <QperationContractQ> <WebGet(UriTempbte: =“hellonane={name}”)s Function SayHello(Byval name As String) As nng End Interface The irmplementation is as follows Public Class HelloService Implements IHelloService Public Function SayHello(ByVal name As String) As String -Implements lHelloServiceSayHello Retumn “Hello “& nane End Function End Cesst The service is self-hosted, and the hosting code is as follows. Dim stHost As WebServiceHo = CreateHost() svcHo Open() Consde ReadLine() svcHoaClose() You need to implement CreateHost so that the service has a single endpoint hosted http:/Ilocalhost8000/HeloService. Which code segment should you use?
A.Dim svc Host As WebSennceHost = New WebServiceHost(GetType(HdloService)) svc HotsAddServiceEndpoint(GdType(lHelloService), New WebHttpBinding(WebHttpSecurityModeNone), “http:/Ibc alhost 8000!HelloService”) Return svc Host
B.Dim baseAddress As Ur New Uri(”http:/i1ocahost:8000r) Dim svcHo As WebServiceHost = New WebServiceHost(GetType(HelloService), baseAddress) svc Host.AddServiceEndpoint(GdType(lHelloService),? New Web Http Binding (WebHttpSec urityMode None), HelloService) Return svc Host
C.Dim svc Host As WebServiceHost = New WebServiceHost(New HelloSennceO) svcHost.AddServiceEndpoint(GetType(IHelloService), New WebHttpBinding(WebHttpSecurityModeNone), Thttp://bc aihost: 8000/HelloSennce") Return svc Host
D.Dim baseAddress As Ur = New Uri("http/I1ocahost 8OOOP Dim svcHo As WebServiceHost = New WebServiceHost(New HelloService0, baseAddress) svc HostAddServiceEndpoint(GdType(IHelIoService), New WebHttpBinding(WebHttpSecuntyMode None), "HelloService") Return svc Host
Answer: A
Question: 28
You are building a client for a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. You need to create a proxy to consume this service Which class should you use?
A.ChannelFactory <TChannel>
Answer: A
Question: 29
You are building a client ror a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service You need to create a proxy to consume this service Which class should you use?
A.Channel Factory(Or TChannel)
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
Answer: A
Question: 30
You are working with a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client application that has a generated proxy named SampleServiceProxy When the client application is executing, in line 02 of the following code, the channel faults (Line numbers are included for reference only.)
01 SampleServiceProxy proxy new SampleServiceProxy() 02try
04proxy Processlnvoice(invoice); 05)
06catch 07{
08 (proxy. State == Communic ationState. Faulted) 09{ 10 11)
13 proxy Update Customer(customer);
You need to retumn proxy to a state in which it can successfully execute the call in line 13. Which code segment should you use at line 10?
B.Proxy new SampleServiceProxy0;c
Answer: C
Question: 31
You are working with a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client application that has a generated proxy named SampleServiceProxy. When the client application is executing, in line 02 of the following code, the channel faults. (Line numbers are included for reference only.) 01 Dim proxy As SampleServiceProxy = New SampleServiceProxy() 02 03Try 04proxy. Process lnvoice(invoice) 05Catch 06 071f proxy.State = CommunicationState.Faulted Then 08 09End If 10 i1End Try 12 1 3proxy.UpdateCustomer(customer) You need to return proxy to a state in which it can successfully execute the call in line 13. Which code segment should you use at line 10?
B.Proxy = New SampleServiceProxy()
Answer: C
Question: 32
A Windows Communication Foundation (wCF) service has a callback contract You are developing a client application that will call this service You must ensure that the client application can interact with the WCF service. What should you do?
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
A.On the OperationContractAttribute, set the Async Pattemn property value to true
B.On the OperationContractAttribute, set the ReplyAction property value to the endpoint address of the chent
C.On the client, create a proxy derived from DuplexClientBase <TChannel>
D.On the client, use GetCallbackChannel <T>.
Answer: C
Question: 33
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service has a callback contract. You are developing a client application that will call this service. You must ensure that the client application can interact with the WCF service. What should you do?
A.On the OperationContractAttribute, set the Async Pattern property value to True
B.On the OperationContractAttribute, set the ReplyAction property value to the endpoint address of the client.
C.On the client, create a proxy derived from DuplexClientBase(Of TChannel).
D.On the client, use GetCallbackChannel(Of T).
Answer: C
Question: 34
You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service You have the following requirements. “Messages must be sent over TCR ‘The service must support transactions. “Messages must be encoded using a binary encoding “Messages must be secured using Windows stream-based security. You need to implement a custom binding for the service In which order should the binding stack be configured?
A.Tc pTransport windowsStreamSec urity transactionFlow binaryMessageEnc oding
B.transactionflow binaryMessageEnc oding windowsStreamSec urity tc pTransport
C.windowsstreamsec urity tc pTransport binaryMessageEnc oding transactionFlow binaryMessageEnc oding transactionFlow tcpTransport windowsStreamSecurity
Answer: B
Question: 35
A Windows Communication Foundation (wCF) client configuration file contains the following xML segment in the system serviceModel eement. <client> <endpoint address=nettcp:I1serverIContosoSeivice” bindinge”netTcpBinding”I contracts”Contoso. IContosoService” namee”netTcp" r> <endpoint addressz”net. pipe://localhostlContosoService” bindinge”netNamed PipeBinding" contracts”Contoso IContosoService” namee”netPipe" I> </client> You need to create a channel factory that can send messages to the endpoint listening at net.pipe://localhostiContosoService which code segment should you use?
A.ChannelFactory <ContosolContoso> factory = new ChannelFactory <Contoso. lContoso>(”Contoso IContoso”)
B.ChannelFactory <ContosolContosos factory = new ChannelFactory <Contoso. lContoso>(”mmetNamedPipeBinding’)
C.ChannelFactory <ContosolContoso> factory new ChannelFactory <Contoso. lContoso>(”netPipe”);
D.ChannelFactory <Contoso. IContoso> factoyy new ChannelFactory <Contoso. lContoso>( “net. pipe/llocalhostlContosoSenvice”);
Answer: C
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
Question: 36
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client configuration file contains the following XML segment in the system serviceModel element. <client> <endpoint address=”nettcp://server/ContosoService” binding = “n etTc p B ind ing contracts”Contoso. IContosoService” name=”netTcp” /s <endpoint addresse”net. pipe://localhostfContosoService”
binding=”netNamedPipeBinding” contracts”Contoso IContosoService” name”netPipe” /> </client> You need to create a channel factory that can send messages to the endpoint listening at net.pipe://localhostlContosoService Which code segment should you use?
A.Dim factory As ChannelFactory(Of Contoso.lContoso) = New ChannelFactory(Of Contoso iContoso)C’ContosoiContoso”)S
B.Dim factory As ChannelFactory(Of Contoso.lContoso) = New ChannelFactory(Of Contoso. lContoso)(”netNamedPipeBinding”)
C.Dim factory As ChannelFactory(Of ContosoiContoso) = New ChannelFactory(Of Contoso. lContoso)(”netPipe”)
D.Dim factory As ChannelFactory(Of ContosoiContoso) = New ChannelFactory(Of Contoso. lContoso)( “net.pipe://localhost!ContosoService”)
Answer: C
Question: 37
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) solution uses the following contracts. (Line numbers are included for reference only.) 01 [ServiceContract(CallbackContract = typeof(lNameService))] 02 public interface lGreetingService 03 { 04 [OperationContract] 05 string GetMessage0:n 06} 07 08 [ServiceContract] 09 public intetface INameService 10 { 11 [OperationContract] 12 string GetNameo; 13} When the client calls GetMessage on the service intetface, the service calls GetName on the client callback. In the client, the class NameService implements the callback contract. The client channel is created as follows. 22 lnstanceContext callbackContext = new lnstance Context(new NameServicef’client”)); 25 DuplexChannelFactory <lGreetingService> factory = new DuplexChannelFactory <lGreetingServices( typeof(NameService), binding, address); 26 lGreetingService greetingService = factory.CreateChanneft); You need to ensure that the senvice callback is processed by the instance of NameService. What are two possible ways to achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)
A.Change line 25 to the following code segment. DuplexChannelFactory <lGreetingServices factory = new DuplexChannelFactory <lGreetingService>( callbackContext, binding, address);
B.Change line 26 to the following code segment lGreetingServic e greetingServic e factory CreateChannel(c alibac kContext);
C.Add the following code segment after line 26 callbac kContextincomingChannelsAdd((iDuplexChannel)greetingService)
D.Add the following code segment after line 26. c ailbac kContext. Outgoing Channels. Add((lDuplexChannel)greetingService)
Answer: A, B
Question: 38
A Windows Commwication Foirxdation (WCF) solution uses the followng contracts (Line numbers are included for reference only.) 01 <Servc eContract (Callbac kContract. =GetType(lNameService))> 02PubIic Interface lc1eetingServcee 03 04 <OperationContractO> 05Function GetMessage(0 As Stnng 06End Interface 07 08 <ServiceContractO> 09Public Interface lNameService 10 11 eOperationContractO> 1 2Function GetName() As String 1 3End Interface when the client calls GetMessage on the sernice interface, the service calls GetName on the clieri callback In the client, the class NameService implements the callback contract. The cent channel is created as follows. 22 Dim callbackCortext As lnstrceContext = New lnstanceContext(New NameService(”c lient’))
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
25Dim factory As DkuplexChannelFactory(Of IGreetingService) = New EuplexChanndFactory(Of IGreetingSerice)( GetType(NameSenice), binding, address) 26Dim greetingSenice As IGreengService = factory CreateCharmel() You need to ensure that the service callback is processed by the instance ot Nameservice. What e two possble ways to achieve this goal (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)
A.Change line 25 to the following code segment Dim factory As Duplex Channel Factory(Of IGreetingService) = New DuplexChannelFactory(Of IGreeting Seric e)( callbackContext, binding, address)
B.Change line 26 to the following code segment Dim greetingService As lGreetingService = factory. CreateChannel(c ailbac kContext)
C.Add the following code segment after line 26 callbackContext lncomingChannesAdd( DirectCast(greetingService, lDupexChannel))t
D.Add the following code segment after line 26 callbackContext OutgoingChannelsMd( DirectCast(greetingService, lDuplexChannel))
Answer: A, B
Question: 39
A Windows Commwication Foundation (WC9 solution exposes the folowing contract over an HTTP connection. [ServiceContract] public interface IDataService { [OperationContract] string GetDatao; } Existing clients are making blocking calls to GetDat
a. Calls to GetData take five seconds to complete. You need to allow new clients to issue non-blocking calls to get the data, without breaking any existing clients. what should you do?
A.Replace the service interface with the following intetface and implement the new methods. [ServiceContract| public intetface IDoSomething { [OperationContract] string DoLongOperation0; [OperationContract(Async Pattern = true)] lAsync Result BeginDoLongOperation0;n
B.[OperationContract(Async Pattern = true)] string EndDoLongOperation(lAsync Result result); }
C.Replace the service intetface with the following intetface and implement the new methods. [ServiceContract] public intetface IDoSomething { [OperationContract(AsyncPattern true)| lAsyncResult BeginDoLongOperation0;n [OperationContract(Async Pattern = true)] string EndDoLongOperation(IAsync Result result); )
D.Generate a proxy class with asynchronous methods and use it for the na clients.
E.Add a new endpoint to the service that uses a full-duplex briding and use it for the new clients.
Answer: C
Question: 40
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) solution exposes the following contract over an HTTP connection <ServiceContractQ> Public Interface IDataService <OperationContract0s? Function GetData() As String End Interface Existing clients are making blocking calls to GetData Calls to GetData take five seconds to complete You need to allow new clients to issue non-blocking calls to get the data, without breaking any existing clients. What should you do?
A.Replace the service interface with the following interface and implement the new methods. <ServiceContract0> Public Interface lDoSomething <OperationContractO> Function DoLong Operation () As String <OperationContract(Async Pattemn: Twe)> Function BeginDoLongOperation() As lAsync Result <OperationContract(Async Pattern: zTrue)> Function EndDoLongOperation(ByVal result As lAsync Result) As String End Interface
B.Replace the service interface with the following interface and implement the new methods. <ServiceContract0> Public Interface IDoSomething <OperationContract(Async Pattern True)> Function BeginDoLongOperation() As lAsync Resutt <OperationContract(Async Pattern: True)> Function EndDoLongOperation(ByVaI result As
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
lAsyncResult) As String End Interface
C.Generate a proxy class with asynchronous methods and use it for the new clients.
D.Add a new endpoint to the service that uses a full-duplex binding and use it for the new clients
Answer: C
Question: 41
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service implements the following contract (Line numbers are included for reference only.) 01 [ServiceContract] 02public interface lDataAccessService 03{ 04[OperationContract] 05void PutMessage(string message) 06 O7lOperationContractj 08[FaultContract(typeof(TimeoutFaultException))J 09[FaultContract(typeof(FaultException))] 1 0stringJ SearchMessages(stnng search); 11) The implementation of the SearchMessages method throws TimeoutFaultException exceptions for database timeouts. The implementation of the SearchMessages method also throws an Exception for any other issue it encounters while processing the request. These exceptions are received on the client side as generic FaultException exceptions. You need to implement the error handling code for SearchMessages and create a new channel on the client only if the channel faults. what should you do?
A.Catch and handle both TimeoutFaultException and FaultException.
B.Catch both TimeoutFaultException and FaultException. Create a new channel in both cases.
C.Catch and handle TimeoutFaultException Catch FauftException and create a new channel
D.Catch and handle FaultException. Catch TimeoutFaultException and create a new channel.
Answer: C
Question: 42
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service implements the following contract (Line numbers are included for reference only.) 01 eServiceContract0> 02Public Interface lDataAccessService 03 04 <OperationContractO> 05Sub PutMessage(ByVal message As String) 06 07 <OperationContract0> 08 <FaultContract(GetType(TimeoutFaultException))> 09 <FaultContract(GetType(FaultExc eption))> 1 0Function SearchMessages(ByVal search As String) As String() 11 12End Interface The implementation of the SearchMessages method throws TimeoutFauttException exceptions for database timeouts. The implementation of the SearchMessages method also throws an Exception for any other issue it encounters while processing the request. These exceptions are received on the client side as generic FaultException exceptions. You need to implement the error handling code for SearchMessages and create a new channel on the client only if the channel faults What should you do
A.Catch and handle both TimeoutFaultException and FaultException.
B.Catch both TimeoutFaultException and FaultException. Create a new channel in both cases.
C.Catch and handle TimeoutFaultException. Catch FauttException and create a new channel
D.Catch and handle FaultException. Catch TimeoutFaultException and create a new channel
Answer: C
Question: 43
You are consuming a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service in an ASP. NET Web application. The service interface is defined as follows. [ServiceContract] public interface lCatalog { [OperationContract] [WebGet(UriTemplate = “/Catalog/ltems/{id}”, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormatJson)] string RetrieveltemDescription(int id); } The senvice is hosted at /Catalogsvc You need to call the service using jQuery to retrieve the description of an item as indicated by a variable named itemld Which code segment should you use?
A. $get(String formatC’/Catalog svc/Catalog/ttems/ide{O}”, itemld) null, function (data) { }, javascript”);
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
B.$get(StringJormat(”/Catalogsvc/Catalog/ttems/{O}”, itemld), null, function (data) { ... } UjsnII);i
C.S.get(String .format(”/Catalog svc/Catalogfltems/{O}”, itemld), null, function (data) { }, “xml”);
D.S.get(String .format(”/Catalog svc/Catalog!ltems/ide{O}”, itemld), null, function (data) { }, “json”);
Answer: B
Question: 44
You are consuming a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service in an ASP NET Web application The service interface is defined as follows. <ServiceContractO> Public Interface ICatalog <OperationContractO> <WebGet(UriTemplate ="/Catalog/ltemsl{id}’. ResponseFormat =WebMessageFormat Json)> Function RetrieveltemDescription(ByVal id As Integer) As String End Interface The service is hosted at ICatalog.svc. You need to call the service using jQuery to retrieve the description of an item as indicated by a variable named itemld. Which code segment should you use7
A.$get(Stnngformat(”/Catalog svc/Cataloglltemslide{O)”, itemid) null, funchon (data) { .....) “javasc ript”);
B.S. get(Stnng .formatç’/Catalog. . svc/Catalog/ltemsl{O}”, itemld), null, function (data) { ...t “json”);
C.S.get(String .formatç’/Catalog. svc/Catalogllterns/{0}”, itemld), null, function (data) { /....) “xml”);
D.S. get(Stnng .formatç’/Catalog svc/Catalogfltems/ide{0)”, itemid), null, function (data) {
Answer: B
Question: 45
You are consuming a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. The service interface is defined as follows. [DataContract(Namespace public class Item { [ServiceContract(Namespace = “)] public interface Catalog { [OperationContract] [Vveblnvoke(Method = “POST”, UriTemplate = “Iltem”)] ltem Updateltem(ltem item); } The client application receives a WebResponse named response with the response from the service. You need to deserialize this response into a strongly typed object representing the return value of the method. Which code segment should you use?
A.DataContractSerializer s = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(Item)); Item item s.ReadObject(response.GetResponseStream0) as ttem;
B.BinaryFormatter f = new BinaryFormatter0;o Item item = f.DeseriaIize(response.GetResponseStream0) as Item;
C.XmlDictionaryReader r = JsonReaderWriterFactory. CreateJsonReader( response. GetResponseStream0,t XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas. Max); DataContractSerializer s = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(ltem)); ltem item s.ReadObject(r) as ttem;
D.DataContractJsonSerializer s = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Item)); Item ttem = s.ReadObject(response.GetResponseStream0) as ttem;
Answer: A
Question: 46
You are consuming a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. The service interface is defined as follows. <DataContract(Namespace: ‘l)>a Public Class Item End Class <ServiceContract(Namespace =N)> Public Interface Catalog <OperationContract0>e <Weblnvoke(Method POST’, UriTemplate: ‘fltemm)> Function Updateftem(ByVal item As Item) As Item End Interface The cient application receives a WebResponse named response with the response from the service. You need to desenahze this response into a strongly typed object representing the return value of the method. Which code segment should you use?
A.Dim s As DataContractSenalizer = New DataContractSenalizer(GetType(Item)) Dim item As Item = DirectCast(s. ReadObject(response. GetResponseStream0), Item)
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
B.Dim f As BinaryFormatter = New BinaryFormatter() Dim item As ttem = DirectCast(f. Deserialize(response. GetResponseStreamO), Item)
C.Dim r As xmlDictionaryReader = JsonReaderWriterFactory CreateJsonReader( response GetResponseStreamO, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas.Max) Dim s As DataContractSerializer = New DataContractSenalizer(GetTypeQtem)) Dim item As Item = DirectCast(s.ReadObject(r). Item)
D.Dim s As DataContractJsonSerializer = New DataContractJsonSerializer(GetType(ttem)) Dim item As Item = DirectCast(s.ReadObject(response GetResponseStreamO), Item)
Answer: A
Question: 47
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) application exposes a service as a SOAP end point for consumption by cross-platform dents’ During integration testing, you find that one of the clients is not generating the correct messages to the WCF application. In order to debug the issue and fix the communication, you need to configure the senice to log messages received from the client What should you do?
A.Set an etw Tracking behavior on the service and configure a listener for the System Service Model trace source
B.Set an etw Tracking behavior on the service and configure a listener for the System Service Model. Message Logging trace source.
C.Enable message Logging in the System Service Model diagnostics element configuration and configure a listener for the System Service Model Message Logging trace source.
D.Enable message Logging in the System.Service Model diagnostics element configuration and configure a listener for the System. Service Model trace source.
Answer: C
Question: 48
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service interacts with the database of a workflow engine Data access authorization is managed by the database, which raises security exceptions if a user is unauthorized to access it You need to ensure that the application transmits the exceptions raised by the database to the client that is calling the service Which behavior should you configure and apply to the service?
B.Service Debug
C.Service Security Audit
D.Workflow Unhandled Exception
Answer: B
Question: 49
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client application is consuming an RSS syndication feed from a blog. You have a SyndicaionFeed variable named feed. The application iterates through the items as follows. (Line numbers are included for reference only.)
01 foreach (Syndicationltem item in feed.ltems)
02 {
03 }
You need to display the content type and body of every syndication item to the console Which two lines of code should ou insert between lines 02 and 03?
A. ConsoleWriteLine(tem. Content.Type); ConsoleWriteLine(((TextSyndicationContent)tem. Content).Text);
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
B.Console.WriteLine(tem. Content.GetType0); Console.WriteLine(((TextSyndic ationContent)tem. Content).Text);
C.Console.WriteLine(tem.Content.Type), Console.WriteLine(tem.Content.ToString0);)
D.Console.WriteLine(tem.Content.GetType0); Console.WriteLine(tem.Content.ToString0);)
Answer: A
Question: 50
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client application is consuming an RSS syndication feed from a blog You have a SyndicationFeed variable named feed. The application iterates through the items as follows. (Line numbers are included for reference only.) 01 For Each item As Syndicationftem In feed.ltems 02 03 04 Next You need to display the content type and body of every syndication ttem to the console. Which two lines of code should you insert between lines 02 and 03?
A.Console WnteLineQtem. Content. Type) Console WriteLine(DirectCast(itenn Content, TextSyndicationContent) Text)
B.Console writeLine(item. Content. GetTypeO) ConsoleWriteLine(DirectCast(ttem Content, TextSyndic ationContent). Text)
C.Console. WriteLine(item Content. Type) Console.WriteLine(item. ContentToStringO)
D.Console.WriteLine(item. Content. GetTypeO) Console.WriteLine(item. Content.ToStringO)
Answer: A
Question: 51
You are creating a windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service to process orders. The data contract for the order is defined as follows [DataContract] public class Order { [DataMemberl public string CardHolderName { get; set; [DataMember] public string CreditCardNumber { get; set; } ) You have the following requirements ‘Enable the transmission of the contents of Order from the clients to the service. “Ensure that the contents of CreditCardNumber are not sent across the network in clear text. “Ensure that the contents of CreditCardNumber are accessible by the service to process the order. You need to implement the service to meet these requirements What should you do
A.Add a DataProtectionPermission attribute to the CreditCardNumber property and set the ProtectData property to true.
B.Convert the DataContract to a MessageContract and set the ProtectionLevel property to SignAndEncrypt
C.Change the data type of CreditCardNumber from string to SecureString
D.Implement the CreditCardNumber property getter and setter In the setter, run the value of the CreditCardNumber through the MD5CryptoServiceProvider class TransformBlock method
Answer: B
Question: 52
You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service to process orders. The data contract for the order is defined as follows. <DataContract0>? Public Class Order <DataMemberos Public Property CardHolderName As String <DataMembero> Public Property CreditCardNumber As String End Class You have the following requirements: “Enable the transmission of the contents of Order from the clients to the service. “Ensure that the contents of CreditCardNumber are not sent across the network in clear text. “Ensure that the contents of CreditCardNumber are accessible by the service to process the order You need to implement the service to meet these requirements What should you do?
A.Add a DataProtectionPermission attribute to the CreditCardNumber property and set the ProtectData property to True.
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
B.Convert the DataContract to a MessageContract and set the ProtectionLevel property to SignAndEncrypt.
C.Change the data type of CreditCardNumber from String to SecureString.
D.Implement the CreditCardNumber property getter and setter. In the setter, run the value of the CreditCardNumber through the MD5CryptoServiceProvider class TransformBlock method.
Answer: B
Question: 53
You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that accepts messages from clients when they are started The message is defined as follows [MessageContract] public class Agent { public string CodeName { get; set: } public string SecretHandshake { get; set; } ) You have the following requirements: ‘The CodeName property must be sent in clear text. The service must be able to verify that the property value was not changed atter being sent by the client. rme SecretHandshake property must not be sent in clear text and must be readable by the service. What should you do
A.Add a MessageBodyMember attribute to the CodeName property and set the ProtectionLevel to Sign. Add a MessageBodyMember attribute to the SecretHandshake property and set the ProtectionLevel to EncryptAndSign.
B.Add a DataProtectionPermission attribute to the each property and set the Protect[)ata property to true
C.Add an xmlText attribute to the CodeName property and set the DataType property to Signed Add a PasswordPropertyText attribute to the SecretHandshake property and set its value to true.
D.udd an ImmutableObyect attribute to the CodeName property and set its value property to true. Add a Browsable attribute to the Sec retHandshake property and set its value to false.
Answer: A
Question: 54
You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that accepts messages from clients when they are started. The message is defined as follows. <MessageContract0s? Public Class Agent Public Property CodeName As String Public Property SecretHandshake As String End Class You have the following requirements: “The CodeName property must be sent in clear text. The service must be able to verify that the property value was not changed atter being sent by the client. “The SecretHandshake property must not be sent in clear text and must be readable by the service What should you do?
A.Add a MessageBodyMember attribute to the CodeName property and set the ProtectionLevel to Sign. Add a MessageBodyMember attribute to the Sec retHandshake property and set the Protection Level to EncryptAndSign.
B.Add a DataProtectionPermission attribute to the each property and set the ProtectData property to True.
C.Add an XmlText attribute to the CodeName property and set the DataType property to Signed. Add a PasswordPropertyText attribute to the SecretHandshake property and set its value to True.
D.Add an ImmutableObject attribute to the CodeName property and set its value property to True. Add a Browsable attribute to the SecretHandshake property and set its value to False.
Answer: A
Question: 55
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client uses the following service contract. (Line numbers are included for reference only.) 01 [ServiceContract] 02 public interface IService 03 ( 04 [OperationContractj 05 string Operation1O; 06 [OperationContract] 07 string Operation2(), 08) You need to ensure that all calls to Operation 1 and Operation2 from the client are encrypted and signed What should you do?
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
A.Set the ProtectionLevel property in line 01 to EncryptAndSign.
B.Set the ProtectionLevel property in line 04 and line 06 to Sign.
C.Add a SecurityCriticalAttribute ror each operation.
D.Add a SecunitySafeCriticalAttribute for each operation.
Answer: A
Question: 56
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client uses the following service contract. (Line numbers are included for reference only)
01 <ServceContractO> 02Public Interface lService 03
04 <OperationContractO> 05Function Operationl() As String 06 <OperationContract0> 07Function Operation2() As String 08
End Interface You need to ensure that all calls to Operation 1 and Operation2 from the client are encrypted and signed. What should you do?
A.Set the ProtectionLevel property in line 01 to EncryptAndSign.
B.Set the ProtectionLevel property in line 04 and line 06 to Sign
C.Add a SecunityCriticalAttribute for each operation.
D.Add a SecuritySafeCriticalAttribute for each operation.
Answer: A
Question: 57
You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that implements the following service contract. [ServceContractJ public interface lOrderProcessing { [OperationContract] void ApproveOrder(int id) } You need to ensure that only users with the Manager role can call the ApproveOrder method What should you do?
A.In the method body, check the Rights PosessesProperty property to see if it contains Manager
B.Add a PnncipalPermission attribute to the method and set the Roles property to Manager
C.Add a SecurityPermission attribute to the method and set the SecurityAction to Demand
D.In the method body, create a new instance of WindowsClaimSet. Use the FindClaims method to locate a claimType named Roee with a right named Manager
Answer: B
Question: 58
You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that implements the following service contract <ServiceContractQ> Public Interface lOrderProcessing <OperationContract0s Sub ApproveOrder(ByVal id As Integer) End Interface You need to ensure that only users with the Manager role can call the ApproveOrder method What should you do?
A.In the method body, check the Rights PosessesProperty property to see if it contains Manager.
B.Add a PnncipalPermission attribute to the method and set the Roles property to Manager.
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
C.Add a Sec urityPermission attribute to the method and set the Sec urityAction to Demand
D.In the method body, create a new instance of WindowsClaimSet Use the FindClaims method to locate a claimType named Roee with a right named Manager
Answer: B
Question: 59
You are developing a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. The service needs to access outof- process resources You need to ensure that the service accesses these resources on behalf of the onginating caller What should you do7
A.Set the value of ServiceSecurityContext Current Windowsidentity ImpersonationLevel to TokenlmpersonationLevel Impersonation
B.Set the value of ServiceSecurityContext Current Windowsldentity ImpersonationLevel to TokenlmpersonationLeve[ Delegation.
C.Set the PrincipalPermissionAttribute on the service contract and update the binding attribute in the endpoint element of the configuration file to wsHttpBinding
D.Set the PnncipalPermissionAttribute on the service contract and update the bindingConfiguration attribute in the endpoint element of the configuration file to wsHttpBinding
Answer: B
Question: 60
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service exposes two operations: OpA and OpB OpA needs to execute under the client's identity, and OpB needs to execute under the service's identity You need to configure the service to run the operations under the correct identity What should you do?
A.Set the ImpersonateCallerForAllOperations property of the service's ServiceAuthorizationBehavior to true. Apply an OperationBehavior attribute to OpA and set the Impersonation property to ImpersonationOption Required Apply an OperationBehavior attribute to OpB and set the Impersonation property to ImpersonationOptionAulowed.
B.Set the ImpersonateCallerForAllOperations property of the service's ServiceAuthorizationBehavior to true. Apply an OperationBehavior attribute to OpA and set the Impersonation property to ImpersonationOption.Allowed Apply an OperationBehavior attribute to OpB and set the Impersonation property to ImpersonationOption NotAllowed
C.Set the ImpersonateCallerForAllOperations property of the service's ServiceAuthorizationBehavior to false. Apply an OperationBehavior attribute to OpA and set the Impersonation property to
Apply an OperationBehavior attribute to OpB and set the Impersonation property to ImpersonationOption NotAJlowed
D.Set the ImpersonateCallerForAllOperations property of the service's ServiceAuthorizationBehavior to false. Apply an OperationBehavior attribute to OpA and set the Impersonation property to lmpersonationOption.Required. Apply an OperationBehavior attribute to OpB and set the Impersonation property to ImpersonationOption.Allowed.
Answer: D
Question: 61
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that handles corporate accounting must be changed to comply with govemnment regulations of auditing and accountability You need to configure the WCF service to execute under the Windows logged-on identity of the calling application What should you do?
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
A.Within the service configuration, add a ServiceAuthorization behavior to the service, and set ImpersonateCallerForAulOperations to true.
B.Within the service configuration, add a ServiceAuthenticationManager behavior to the service, and set ServiceAuthenticationManagerType to Impersonate.
C.wtthin the service configuration, add a serviceSecurityAudit behavior to the service, and set serviceAuthorizationAuditLevel to SuccessOrFailure
D.Wtthin the service configuration, add a ServiceCredentials behavior to the service, and set type to Impersonate
Answer: A
Question: 62
You have a secured Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service You need to track unsuccessful attempts to access the service. What should you do?
A.Set the authorizationManagerType attribute of the serviceAuthorization behavior to Message
B.Set the includeExceptionDetailslnFaults attribute of the serviceDebug behavior to true
C.Set the Mode attribute of the security configuration element to Message
D.Set the messageAuthenticationAuditLevel attribute of the serviceSecurityAudit behavior to Failure.
Answer: D
Question: 63
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) solution uses the following contract to share a message across its clients. (Line numbers are included for reference only.)
01 [ServiceContract]
02public interface ITeamMessageService 03{
04 [OperationContract] 05string GetMessage0;n 06
07 [OperationContract]
08void PutMessage(string message);
09) The code for the service class is as follows
10 public class TeamMessageService: ITeamMessageService 11{
12Guid key = GuicLNewGuidO;
1 3string message = “Today’s Message”: 14public string GetMessage()
16 return stringFormat(”Message:{0} Key:{ 17}”, message, Key); 1n
19public void PutMessage(string message) 20{
2lthismessage = message; 22}
23) The senvice is self-hosted. The hosting code is as follows. 24 ServiceHost host =
25BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecuntyMode.None):
26 host AddServiceEndpoint( HMyApplic ation lTeamMessageService, binding, “http:/Ilocalhost: 12345w);
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
27 host Open0;)
You need to ensure that all clients calling GetMessage will retrieve the same string, even if the message is updated by clients calling PutMessage What should you do
A.Add the following attribute to the TeamMessageService class, before line 10. [Servic eBehavior(lnstanc eContextMode = lnstanceContextMode. Single)]
B.Add the following attribute to the TeamMessageService class, before line 10. [ServiceBehavior(lnstanceContextMode = lnstanceContextModePerSession)J Then change the binding definition on the service at line 25, and on the client to the following WSHttpBinding binding new WSHttpBinding(SecurityModeNone); binding ReliableSession. Enabled true;
C.Pass a service instance to the instancing code in line 24, as follows. ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(new TeamMessageServiceO);
D.Redefine the message string in line 13, as follows static string message = ‘Today’s Message”: Then change the implementation of PutMessage in lines 19-22 to the following public void PutMessage(string message) { TeamMessageServicemessage message, }
Answer: A
Question: 64
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) solution uses the followig contract to share a message across its clients (Line rumbers are ncluded for rderence only)
01 <ServiceContract0>
02 PuElic Interface ITeamMessageService
04 <OperationContractO> 05Function GetMessage() As String 06
07 <OperationContract0>
08 Sub PutMessage(Byval message As String)
O9 End Interface The code for the serAce class is as follows.
10Putlic Class TeamMessageService0
11Impements lTearmt4essageService
13Dim key As Guid = Guid.NewGuid()
14Dim message As String = “Today's Message’
16PuUic Function GetMessage0As String
17lmpements lTearm*AessageServiceGetMessage
19Retun String. Fommat(”Message:{0) Key:{ 1}”, message, key) 20 End Function
22PubIic Sub PutMessage(ByV message As Stnng)
23lmpements lTearrlessageService PutMessage
25Me message = message
26End Sub
28End Class The service is self-hosted The hosting code rs as follows
29Dim host As Ser’uceHost = New ServiceHost(GetType(TearrwiessageSeMce))?
3O Dim binding As Basic HttpBindngt New BasicHttpBindiig(BasicHttpSecurityMode. None)
31host.AddServiceEndpoint( “MyAppication lTearrtAessageService”, binding Thttp /Ilac aihost. 1 2345)
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
32 host Open()
You need to ensure that all clients calling GetMessage will retrieve the same string, even if the message is upd(ed by clients calling PutMessage what should you do?
A.Add the following attribute to the TeamMessageService class, before line 10. <ServceBehavior(lnstanceContextMode lnstanceContextMode. Single)>
B.Add the following attribute to the TeamMessageService class, before line 1 0002E <ServiceBehavior( lnstanc eContextll ode. = InstanceContextMode. PerSession)>
C.Pass a service instance to the instancing code in line 29, as follows. Dim host As ServiceHost z New ServiceHost(New TeamMessageServiceO)
D.Redefne the message string in lrie 14, as folbws. Shared message As String “Today's Message” Then change the implementation of PutMessage in lines 22-26 to the folowing Public Sub PutMessage(ByVal message As rng) -Implements ITean-MessageService.PutMessage TeamMessageSenAce.message = message End Sub
Answer: A
Question: 65
A Windows Commt.nication Fotrdation (WCF) solution exposes the folowing service over a TCP binding (Line rumbers are ricluded for r&erence only.) 01 |ServiceContract] 02[ServiceBehavior(ConcurrenqJAode = ConcsrencyMode. Auttiple)] 03pubbc class Data4ccessServce 04{ 05[OperationContract] O6pubbc void PutMssage(string message) 07{ 08MessageDatabam. PutMessage(message); 09) 1 0(OperationContract] 11pubic string[] SeachMessages(stnng search) 1 2{ 1 3retum MessageDatabase. SewchMessages(search), 14) 1 5} MessageDatabase supports a lirmited number of concurrert executions of its methods. You need to change the service to allow up to the maximum number of executions of the methods of MessageDatabase This should be impemented without preventing customers from connecting to the service. What should you do?
A.Change the service behavior as follows. [ServiceBehawior(Conc urrencyMbde = ConctrrencyMode tkultiple, lnstanceContextMode = Instanc eContextMode. Single)]
B.Change the service behavior as follows. [ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode. Single, lnstanceContextMode = lnstanceContextMode PerSession)J
C.Add a throttling behavior to the service, and configure the m’exConcurrertCalls
D.udd a throttling behavior to the service, and configure the mmxConcurrertSessions.
Answers: C
Question: 66
A Windows Comminication Foundation (WCF) solution exposes the folowing service over a TCP binding (Line numbers are included f reference only.) 01 <ServiceContractO> 02 eServic eBehavior(Conc urrencyMode: Conc urrencyMode. Multipee)> 03Putlic Class DataAccessServ,ce> 04 05 <OperationContract0> 06Pubhc Sub PutMessage(ByV message As String) 07MessageDataba PutMessage(message) 08End Sub 09 10 <OperationContract0> 11 Public Function SearchMessages(ByVal search As String) 12As ring() 1 3Return Messageoatabase. SeanchMessages(searc h) 14End Function 15 1 6End Class MessseDatabase supports a linited number of concurrert executions of its methods You need to change the service to allow up to the maximum number of executions of the methods of MessageDatabase This should be impemented without preventing customers from connecting to the service What should you do? Change the service behavior as follows.
A.eServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode: =ConcurencyMode. ultiple, lnstanceContextMode: =lnstanceContextMode.Single)>
B.Change the service behavior as follows <ServkeBehavior(Concurrenc yMode: ConcuirencyMode. Single,
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
lnstanceContextMode: =lnsanceContextModePerSession)>
C.Add a throttling behavior to the service, and configure the maxConcurrertCalls.
D.Add a throttling behavior to the service, and cmnfigure the maxConcurretiSessions.
Answer: C
Question: 67
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) solution prcwides a session-based counter The service is self-hosted The hosting code is as follows ServiceHost host = new
ServiceHost(typeof(CounterService)); NetTcpBinding bindingi = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode None); hostiftddServiceEndpointC’MyAppIicationiCounterService”, bindingl, “net.tcp://localhost: 23456”); host.Open0;l This service is currently exposed over TCP, but needs to be exposed to external clients over HTTP. Therefore, a new service endpoint is created with the following code. host.AddServiceEndpoint(”MyApplication. lCounterService”, binding2, “http:Illocalhost: 12345”); You need to complete the implementation and ensure that the session-based counter will perform over HTTP as it does over TCP. What should you do? -
A.Define binding2 as follows WS2007HttpBinding binding2 = new WS2007HttpBinding(SecurityMode.None); Configure binding2 as follows binding2.ReliableSession.Enabled = true;
B.Define bind ing2 as follows WSHttpBinding binding2 = new WSHttpBinding(SecurityMode None); Add the following behavior to the service implemnentation ServiceBehavior(lnstanceContextMode lnstanceContextMode. PerSession)]
C.Define binding2 as follows. BasicHttpBinding binding2 = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.None); Enable cookies for binding2. binding2AllowCooldes = true:
D.Define binding2 as follows Basic HttpBinding biiding2 new Basic HttpBinding(Basic HttpSecurityMode None) Md the following behavior to the service implementation. [ServiceBehavior(lrstanceContexMode = lnstanceContextMode Single)]
Answer: A
Question: 68
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) solution provides a session-based counter. The service is self- hosted. The hosting code is as follows. Dim host As ServiceHost = New ServiceHost(GetType(CounterService)) Dim bndingl As NetTcpBinding = New NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.None) host.AddServiceEndpoint(”MyApplication. ICounterService”, bindingi, “net.tcp://localhost:23456”) host.Open() This service is currently exposed over TCP, but needs to be exposed to external clients over HTTP. Therefore, a new service endpoint is created with the following code. host.AddServiceEndpoint('’MyApplication. lCounterService”, binding2, “http:/!localhost:12345’
You need to complete the implementation and ensure that the session-based counter will perform over HTTP as it does over TCP. What should you do?
A.Define binding2 as follows. Dim binding2 As WS2007HttpBinding = New WS200lHttpBinding(SecurityMode. None) Configure binding2 as folows. binding2.ReliableSession.Enabled = True
B.Define binding2 as follows. Dim binding2 As WSHttpBinding = — New WSHttpBinding(SecurityMode.None) Add the following behavior to the service impementation. <ServceBehavior(lnstanceContextMode: 1nstanceContextMode.PerSession)s
C.Define binding2 as follows. Dim binding2 As BasicHttpBinding = New BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.None) Enable cookies for binding2. binding2.AllowCookies = True
D.Define binding2 as follows. Dim binding2 As BasicHttpBinding = New BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode. None) Add the following behavior to the service implementation. <ServiceBehavior(lnstanceContextMode: 1nstanceContextMode.Single)>
Answer: A
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
Question: 69
A Windows Commu.nication Foundation (WCF) solution uses the followng contract [ServiceContract(SessionMode SessionModeAulowed)J public interface IMyService { [OperaionContractQsTerminating false)void lnitialize0; [OperaionContractQslnitiating false)] void DoSomethingO; [OperaionContractQsTerminating true)J void TerminateO; } You need to change this interface so that: ‘initialize is allowed to be called any time before Temminae is called “DoSomething is albwed to be called only after Initiaiize is called, and n allowed to be called after Terminate is called “Termnate will be lowed to be called only after Initialize is called Which two actions should you perform (Each correct answer presents part of the sdution. Choose two)
A.Change the ServiceContract attrtute of the IMyService interface to the following. ServiceContract(SessionMode
=SessionMode Required)
B.Change the ServiceContract attrbute of the IMyService interface to the following ServiceContract(SessionMode SessionMode Allowed)
C.Change the OperatonContract atribute of the Initialize operation to the following. OperationContract(hlnitiating
=true, IsTerminating = false)
D.Change the OperatkonContract atribute of the Terminate operation to the following OperabonContract(klnitiating = fase, IsTerminating = true)
Answer: A, D
Question: 70
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) solution uses the following contract. <ServiceContract (SessionMode:= SessionMode Allowed)s Public Interface lMyService <OperationContract(lsTerminating:sFalse)s Sub Initialize() <OperationContract(lslnitiating:sFalse)>s Sub DoSomething() <OperationContract (lslerminating :=True)> Sub Terminate() End Interface You need to change this interface so that: “lnitialize is allowed to be called at any time before Terminate is called. “DoSomething is allowed to be called only after Initialize is called, and not allowed to be called after Terminate is called. “Terminate will be allowed to be called only after Initalize is called Which two actions should you perform? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose two.)
A.Change the ServiceContract attribute of the lMyService interface to the following. ServiceContract(SessionMode:sSessionMode. Required)
B.Change the ServiceContract attribute of the lMyService intetface to the following. ServiceContract(SessionMode:sSessionModeAllowed)?
C.Change the OperationContract attribute of the Initialize operation to the following. OperationContract(lslnitiating: ‘True, IsTerminating: ‘False)
D.Change the OperationContract attribute of the Terminate operation to the following. OperationContract(Islnitiatings:False, lsTerminating: ‘True)
Answer: A, D
Question: 71
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client and service share the following service contract interface [ServiceContract] public interface IContosoService { [OperationContract] void SavePerson(Person person); } They also use the following binding. NetTcpBinding binding new NetTcpBinding { TransactionFlow = true }; The client calls the service with the following code using (TransactionScope ts = new Transaction Scope(Transaction ScopeOption.Required)) { IContosoService client = factoryCreateChannelO; client SavePerson(person); ConsoleWriteLine( TransactionCurrentTransactionlnformation. Distributedldentifier); tsCompleteO; } The service has the following implementation for SavePerson public void IContosoService SavePerson(Person person) { person.Saveo; ConsoleWriteLine(TransactionCurrentTransactionlnformation. Distributedidentifier); } The distributed identifiers do not match on the client and the server You need to ensure that the client and server
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
enlist in the same distributed transaction What should you do?
A.Add the following attributes to the SavePerson operation on IContosoService. [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true)] [TransactionFlow(TransactionFlowOption. Mandatory)]
B.Add the following attributes to the SavePerson operation on lContosoService [TransactionFlow(TransactionFlowOption Mandatory)] [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired true)]
C.Add the following attribute to the SavePerson operation on lContosoSernce [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired true)] Md the following attribute to the implementation of SavePerson. ITransactionFlow(TransachonFlowOptionAiJlowed)]
D.Add the following attribute to the SavePerson operation on lContosoService [TransactionFlow(TransactionFlowOption Allowed)] Add the following attribute to the implementation of SavePerson. [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired true)]
Answer: D
Question: 72
A Windows Commurucation Fomdation (WCF) cient and service share the following service contract interface <ServiceContractO> Public Interface IContosoService <OperationContractO> Sub SasePerson(BWal person As Person) End Interface They also use the following binding. Dim bnlding As NetTcpBinding = New NetTcpBinding With {TransactionFlow = True) The client cals the service with the (olowing code using (mransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption Requured)) { IContosoService client = factoryCreateChannelO; client SavePerson(person); Consde. WriteLine( Transaction. CurreriTransactiorinformation DistnbutedldentifierX ts CorrpleteO; ) The service has the following impementation for SavePerson Public Sub SavePerson(ByVal person As Perwn) — lmplements IContosoService SavePerson person Save() ConsdeWriteLine(Transaction
.Current Transactionlnformaiona Distributedldentifier) End Sit The distributed identifiers do not match on the client and the server. You need to ensure that the cliert and server enlist in the same distributed transaction
A.Add the following attributes to the SavePerson operation on lContosoService eOperationBehavior(TransactionSc opeRequired =True)> <TransactionFlow(TransactionFbwOption Madatory)>
B.Add the following attributes to the SavePerson operation on IContosoSewvice <TransactionFlow(TransactionFbwOption Maidatory)> eOperationBehavior(TransactionSc opeRequired zTrue)>
C.Add the following attribute to the SavePerson operation on KContosoService. <OperationBehavior(TransachonSc opeRequired True)> Add the following attribute to the rmplementation of SavePeson. <TransactionFlow(TransactionFbwOption Aulcwed)>
D.Add the following attribute to the SavePerson operation on KOontosoService. <TransactionFlow(TransactionFbwOption Aulowed)> Add the following attribute to the mplementahon of SavePeson. eOperationBehavior(TransactionSc opeRequired True)>
Answer: D
Question: 73
A service implemerts the following contract. (Line numbers are included for reference only) 01 [ServiceContract(SessionMode s SessionMode Required)]
02 public interface lContosoSerAce
03 {
04 IOperationContract(lsOneWay = true, Islnitiating = true)]
05 void OperationOne(string value);
07 [OperationContract(lsOneWay = true, Islnitiating = false)]
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
08 void OperationTvo(string value);
09) The service is implemented as fdlows. 20 class ContosoService: lContosoService 21 { 22 public void OperaionOne(string value) {...) 23 24 public void OperaionTwo(stnng value) { } 25 } ContosoService us NetMsmqBinding to listen for messages The queue was set ic to use tranections for adding and removing messages You need to ensure that OperationOne and OperationTwo execute under the same transaction context when they are invoked in the same session What should you do?
A.Insert the following tribute to OperationOne on lContosoService ITransactionFlow(TransactionFkwOption Mandatory)] Insert the following attribute to OperationTw on IContosoService ITransactionFlow(TransactionFlcawOption Mandatory)]
B.Insert the following tribute to OperationOne on ContosoSeivice
[OperaionBehavior (Transacbon&opeRequirde = true, TransactionAutoComplete false)] Insert the following attrbute to OperaionTwo on ContosoService. (OperaionBehavior(TransachonSc opeRequired = true, TransactionAutoCorrplete true)]
C.Add the following XML segment to the application config file in the system serviceModel/bindings configuration ction <netMsmqBinding> <binding nameecontosoTx durabIeetne receveContextEnabled-true” I> <InetMsmqBinding> Then use the NetMsmqBinding named contosoTx to listen for messages from the clients
D.Add the following xML segment to the application config file in the systemserviceModel/bindings configuration ction. <customBinding> <binding nameecontosoTx”> ctransactionFlow I> <binarytv’IessageEncoding I> <msmqTransport ckurable=stru& /> </bindrig> <Ic ustomBinding> Then use the CustommiBinding named contosoTx to listen fcw messages from the clierts.
Answer: B
Question: 74
A service implemerts the following contract. (Line numbers are included for reference only.) 01 <ServiceContract(SessionMode:sSessionMode.Required)>?
02Publc Interface IContosoService 03
04 <OperationContract(lsOneWay:=True, lslnitiating:zTrue)> 05Sub OperationOne(ByVal value As String)
07 <OperationContract(lsOneWay:=True, lslnitiating:=False)> 08Sub OperationTwo(ByVal value As String)
10End Interface
The service is implemented as follows. 20Class ContosoService 2llmplements IContosoService 22 23Public Sub OperationOne(ByVal value As String) — 24lmplements IContosoService. OperationOne 25... 26End Sub 27 28Public Sub OperaionTwo(ByVal value As String) — 29lmpements lContosoService.OperationTwo 30... 31End Sub End Class ContosoService uses NetMsmqBinding to listen for messages. The queue was set up to use transactions for adding and removng messages. You need to ensure that OperationOne and OperationTwo execute under the same transaction context when they are invoked in the same session. What should you do?
A.Insert the following attribute to OperationOne on lContosoService <TransactionFlow(TransactionFbwOption Madatory)> Insert the following attribute to OperationTwo on lContosoService <TransactionFlow(TransactionFbwOption Madatory)>
B.Insert the following attribute to OperationOne on ContosoService. <OperationBehavior(TransactionSc opeRequired =True, TransactionAutoCormplete FaIse)> Insert the following attribute to OperationTwo on ContosoService <OperationBehavior(TransactionSc opeRequired True, TransactionAutoComplete: =Twe)>
C.Add the following XML segment to the applicabon config file in the system serviceModel/bindings configuration section. <netMsmqBinding> <binding name=’c ontosoTx durylee”true receiveContexEnabede”true” f>
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
</netMsmqBinding> Then use the NetMsmqBinding named contooTx to listen for messages from the clients
D.Add the following xML segment to the application config file in the systemserviceModel/bindings configuration section. <custornl3inding> <binding nameec ontosoTx”> <transactionFlow I> <binarytlessageEncoding r> <msmqTransport d.urableetne-!> </bind rigs </customBinding> Then use the CustomnBinding named contosoTx to listen for messages from the clients.
Answer: B
Question: 75
A WCF service code is implemented as follows. (Line numbers are included for reference only) 01 [ServiceContract] 02 [ServiceBehavior(lnstanceContextMode = 03 lnstanceContextModeSingle)] 04 public class CalculatorService 05 { 06 [OperationContract] 07 public double Calculate(double op1, string op. double op2) 08 { 24 } 25 } You need to increase the rate by which clients get the required response from the service What e two possble ways to achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete sokiion
A.Change the sevvice behavior to the following. [ServiceBehavior( lnstanceContextMode = lnstanceContextModeSingle, ConcirrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode. Multide)]c
B.Change the service behavior to the following. [ServiceBehavior(lnstanceContextMode = lnstanceContextMode.PerCall)]
C.Require the clients use threads, the Parallel Task Library, or other mechanism to issue service calls in parallel.
D.Require the clients to use async operations when calling the senvice.
Answer: A, B
Question: 76
A WCF service code is implemented as follows (Line numbers are included for reference only.) 01 <ServiceContractO> 02 <ServiceBehavior( 03lnstanceContextMode =lnstanceContextMode. Single)> 04Public Class CalculatorService 05 06 eOperationContract0> 07Public Function Calculate(ByVal opi As Double, 08ByVal op As String, ByVal op2 As Double) As Double 24End Function 25 26End Class You need to increase the rate by which clients get the required response from the service, What are two possible ways to achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)
A.Change the service behavior to the following. <ServiceBehavior( lnstanceContextMode: =lnstanceContextMode Single, Conc urrencyMode: Concurrenc yMode Multiple)>
B.Change the service behavior to the following. <ServiceBehavior(lnstanceContextMode: lnstanceContextMode. PerCall)>
C.Require the clients use threads, the Parallel Task Library, or other mechanism to issue service calls in parallel.
D.Require the cleents to use async operations when calling the senvice.
Answer: A, B
Question: 77
A windows Communication Foundation (WCF) solution uses the following contracts. (Line numbers are included for reference only.)
01 [Servic eContract(Callbac kContract typeof(lNameService))J
02 public interface lGreetingSennce
03 {
04 [OperationContract]
05 stnng GetMessage0,
07 [ServiceContract]
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
08 public interface INameService 09(
11string GetName(),
12) The code that implements the lGreetingService interface is as follows
20 public class GreetingService lGreetingService 21{ 22 public string GetMessage() 23 { 24 INameService clientChannel OperationContext Current . GetCallbac kChannel <lNameService>0; 25 sUing clientName = clientChanne[GetNameO; 26 retumn String.Formatç’Hello {0}, clientName); 27) 28) The service is self-hosted. The hosting code is as follows. 30 ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(GreetingService)); 31 NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.None); 32 host Add ServiceEndpoint(MyApplic ation lGreetingService", binding, ‘nettcpillocalhost 12345"); 33 host OpenO: The code that implements the lNameService interface is as follows. 40 class NameService/: INameService 41 { 42 string name; 43 public NameService(string name) 44 { 45 this.name = name; 46 } 47 public string GetName() 48 { 49 return name; 50 } 51 } Currently, this code fails at runtime, and an Invalid Operation Exception is thrown at line 25. You need to correct the code so that the call from the service back to the client completes successfully. What are two possible ways to achieve this goal (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)
A.Change the service contract definition in line 01 as follows. [ServiceContract(CallbackContract = typeof(lNameService), SessionMode = SessionMode. Required)]
B.Add the following attribute to the NameService class, before line 40. [ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode. Reentrant)]
C.Add the following attribute to the GreetingService class, before line 20. [ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode. Reentrant)]
D.Add the following attribute to the GreetingService class, before line 20. [ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode. Multiple)]
Answer: C, D
Question: 78
A Windows Commwication Foixdation (WCF) solution uses the followiig contracts (Line riumbers are ncluded for rderence only)
01 eServiceContract(Callbac kContract: GetType(lNameSecvice))> 02Putlic Interface I(IeetingService
04 <OperationContractO> 05Function GetMessage() As Stnng 06
07End Interface 08
09 <ServiceContractO> 1OPublic Interface INameService 11
12 <OperationContractO> 13Function GetNamne() As String 14
15 End Interface
The code that implements the KleetingService interface is as follows 20Public Class GretingServicee 21Impements lGreaingServicea 22 23Public Function GetMessage0As String 24lmpements IGredingService. GetMessage 25 26Dim clientChann As INameServce = 27OperationContet. Current. 28GetCallbackChamel(Of INameService)() 29Dim clientName As String = cbentChannelGetName() 30 Retumn String Format(”Hello {O)”, clientName) 31 32End Function 33hnd Class The service is self-hosted The hosting code is as follows. 35Dim
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Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
host As SeniceHost = 36New ServiceHost(GetType(GrstingService))?
37Dim binding As NetTcpBinding = 38New NetTc pBindng(Sec urityMode. None) 39hostAddServiceEndpoint (’Mypplic ation lGreetingService". 4Obincng, net.tcp:Illocalhost: 12345W) 41 HotOpen()l The code that implements the INameService riterface is as follows. 42Class NameSenice 43lmpements INameService 44 45Dim name As String 46 47Public Sub NameService(ByV name As String) 48Me.reme = name 49End Sub 50 51 Public Function GetName() As String 52lmpements INameService. GeNamee 53 54Reti.rn name 55End Function 56End Class Currer(ly, this code fails at runtime, and an Invalid Operation Exception is thrown at mne 25. You need to correct the code so that the call from the service back to the client comp’etes successfully What e two possble ways to achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)
A.Change the service contract defnition in line 01 as follows. <ServiceContract(CallbackContract: sGetType(lNameServce), SessionMode =SessknMode Reqiured)>
B.Add the following attribute to the NameService class, before line 42. <ServxeBehavior(ConcurrencyMode ConcisrencyMode. Reentrant)>
C.Add the following attribute to the GreetingSenAce class, before line 20. <ServiceBehavior(Conc urrencyMode: zConctrencyMode Reentrant)>
D.Add the following attribute to the GreetingSence class, before line 20. <ServiceBehavior(Conc urrencyMode: Concu-rencyMode. Nbultiple)>
Answer: C, D
Question: 79
A Windows Communication FoL.ndation (WCF) service has the following contract. [ServiceContract] pubhc class ContoaServicea { [OperaionContract] [TransactionFlow(TransactionFlowOpon. Mandatory)] [OperationBehavior(TraisactionScopeRequired true, TransactionAutoCorrolete = false)J void TxOp 1 (string value) { ) [OperationCortract(lsTerminating—true)J [TransactionFlow(TransactionFlowOption Mandatory)] [OperationBehavior(TraisactionScopeRequired true, TransationAutoCormplete = false)]
void TxOp2(string value) {.. OperationContext. Current. SetTransactionCompleteO; ) ) The rvice and the clients that call the service use NetTcpBinding with transaction flow enabled You ned to configire the service so that when TxOpl and TxOp2 are inioked under the same client session, they run under the same transaction context What should you do?
A.Update the service contract to read as follows. (ServiceContract(SessionMode SessionMode Required)J Add the following behavior to the service implementation [ServiceBehavior(lnstanceCoritextMode = Instanc eContextMode. PerSession)]
B.Update the service contract to read as follows. [ServiceContract(SessionMode = SessionModeAllowed)] Add the following behavior to the service implementabon. [ServiceBehavior(LnstanceContextMode = Instanc eContextMode Single, ReleaseServicelnstanceQnTransactionCompete false)]
C.Update the service contract to read as follows [ServiceContract(SessionMode = SessionMode.Allowed)] Add the followng behavior to the service implementation. [ServiceBehavior(lnstanceContextMode Instanc eContextMode. Single)]
D.Update the service contract to read as follows. [ServiceContract(SessionMode = SessionMode.Required)]Md the following behavior to the service implementation. [ServiceBehavior(lnstanceContextMode = lnstanceContextMode. PerCall)]
Answer: A
Question: 80
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service has the following contract <ServiceContractO> Public Class ContosoService <OperationContractOs <TransactionFlow(TransactionFlowOption Mandatory)> <OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired DTrue, TransactionAutoComplete False)> Sub TxOp1 (ByVal
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Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
value As String) End Sub <OperationContract(lsTerminating:True)> <TransactionFlow(TransactionFlowOption Mandatory)> <OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired : True, TransactionAutoComplete =False)> Sub TxOp2(ByVal value As String) OperationContext Current. SetTransactionComplete() End Sub End Class The service and the clients that call the service use NetTcpBinding with transaction flow enabled. You need to configure the service so that when TxOpl and TxOp2 are invoked under the same client session, they nun under the same transaction context. What should you do?
A.Update the service contract to read as follows <ServiceContract(SessionMode: SessionMode. Required)> Add the following behavior to the service implementation <ServiceBehavior(lnstanceContextMode: = lnstanceContextMode PerSession)>
B.Update the service contract to read as follows <ServiceContract(SessionMode. SessionModeAllowed)> Add the following behavior to the service implementation <ServiceBehavior(lnstanceContextMode: slnstanceContextMode Single. ReleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionComplete rFalse)>
C.Update the service contract to read as follows <ServiceContract(SessionMode=SessionMode Ailowed)> Add the following behavior to the service implementation eServiceBehavior(lnstanceContextMode:=lnstanceContextMode Single)>
D.Update the service contract to read as follows. <ServiceContract(SessionMode:eSessionMode Required)> Add the following behavior to the sevvice implementation <ServiceBehavior (lnstanceContextMode: = lnstanceContextMode PerCall)>
Answer: A
Question: 81
You are creating a Window Commnunication Foundation (WCF) service application. The application needs to service many clients and requests simultaneously. The application also needs to ensure subsequent individual client requests provide a stateful conversation. You need to configtre the service to support these requirements. Which attribute should you add to the class that is implementing the service?
A.[ServiceBehavior(lnstanceContextMode lnstanceContextMode. PerSession, Conc iirencyMode ConcurrencyMode. Single)]
B.[ServiceBehavior(lnstanceContextMode = lnstanceContextMode. PerCall, Conc urrencyMode Conc urrencyMode. Reertrant)]
C.[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContexlMode = lnstanceContextMode PerSession, ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)]
D.[ServiceBehavior(lnstanceContextMode = lnstanceContextMode PerCall, ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode. Multiple)]
Answer: C
Question: 82
You are creating a Window Communication Foundation (WCF) service application The application needs to service many clients and requests simultaneously. The application also needs to ensure subsequent individual client requests provide a stateful conversation. You need to configure the service to support these requirements Which attribute should you add to the class that is implementing the service?
A.Eservicebehavior(lnstanceContextMode. lnstanc eContextMode PerSession, Conc urrencyMode: =Conc urrencyMode Single)>
B.<ServiceBehavior(lnstanceContextMode: lnstanc eContextMode PerCall, Conc urrencyMode Conc urrencyMode Reentrant)>
C.<ServiceBehavior(lnstanceContextMode. Instanc eContextMode. PerSession, Conc urrencyMode: =Conc urrencyMode. Multiple)>
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Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
D.<ServiceBehavior(lnstanceContextMode: lnstanc eContextMode PerCall Conc urrencyMode Conc urrencyMode Multiple)>
Answer: C
Question: 83
You are integrating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service within an enterprise-wide Service Oriented Architecture (SQA) Your service has the rollowing service contract. [ServiceContract] public class CreditCardConfirmationService { [OperationContracti public Boolean ConfirmCreditCard(string cc Number double orderAmount, nmt orderNumber) { ) ) You need to allow the code in the ConfirmCreditCard method to participate automatically in existing transactions. If there is no existing transaction, a new transaction must be created automatically. What should you do?
A.Inside the ConfirmCreditCard method, surround the code that must participate in the transaction with a using(new TransactionScopeO) block
B.Inside the ConfirmCreditCard method, surround the code that must participate in the transaction with a using(new CommittableTransactionO) block.
C.Add an [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired true)] attribute to the ConfirmCreditCard method.
D.Add an [OperationBehavior(TransactionAutoComplete true)J attribute to the ConfirmCreditCard method.
Answer: C
Question: 84
You are integrating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service within an enterprise-wide Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Your service has the following service contract (Line numbers are included for reference Only.)
02Public Class CreditCardConfirmationService 03
04 <Operation ContractO>
05Public Function ConfirmCreditCard(ByVal ccNumber As String, ByVal orderAmount As Double, ByVal orderNumberAs Integer) As Boolean ‘...
10End Function
You need to allow the code in the ConfirmCredit Card method to participate automatically in existing transactions. If there is no existing transaction, a new transaction must be created automatically. What should you do?
A.Inside the ConfirmCreditCard method, surround the code that must participate in the transaction with a Using New TransactionScopeo block.
B.Inside the ConfirmCredttCard method, surround the code that must participate in the transaction with a Using New CommittableTransaction() block.
C.Add an <OperationBehavior(IransactionScopeRequired::True)> attribute to the ConfirmCreditCard method.
D.Add an <OperationBehavior(TransactionAutoComplete: =True)> attribute to the ConfirmCreditCard method.
Answer: C
Question: 85
Your Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client application uses HTTP to communicate with the service. You need to enable message logging and include all security information such as tokens and nonces in logged messages. What should you do?
A. In the application configuration file, add the IogKnownPii attribute to the message logging diagnostics source
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
and set the value of the attribute to true. Generate the ContosoService class using the Add Service Reference wizard. Add a reference to System.ServiceModel. Routing.dll. Add the following code segment. ContosoService client = new ContosoServiceO; SoapProcessingBehavior behavior = new SoapProcessingBehavior0; behavior.ProcessMessages = true; client. Endpoint. Behaviors.Add(behavior);
B.In the application configuration file, add the following XML segment to the system.serviceModel configuration section group. <diagnostics> <messageLogging IogMessagesAtTransportLevele”true” IogEntireMessages’true” I> c/diagnostics>
C.In the machine configuration file, add the following XML segment to the system.serviceModel configuration section. <machineSettings enableLoggingKnownPiiz”true” Is Generate the ContosoService class using the Add Service Reference wizard. Add the following code segment. ContosoService client = new ContosoServiceO; client. Endpoint. Behaviors.Add(new Callbac kDebugBehavior(true));
D.In the machine configuration file, add the following xML segment to the system.serviceModel configuration section. <machineSettings enableLoggingKnownPiiz”true” I> In the application configuration file, add the IogKnownPii attribute to the message logging diagnostics source and set the value of the attribute to true. In the application configuration file, add the following XML segment to the system.serviceModel configuration section group. <diagnostics> <messageLogging IogMessagesAtTransportLevele”true”/> </diagnostics>
Answer: D
Question: 86
Your Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client application uses HTTP to communicate with the service. You need to enable message logging and include all security information such as tokens and nonces in logged messages. What should you do?
A.In the application configuration file, add the logKnownPii attribute to the message logging diagnostics source and set the value of the attribute to true. Generate the ContosoService class using the Add Service Reference wizard. Add a reference to System.ServiceModel. Routing.dIl. Add the following code segment. Dim client As ContosoService = New ContosoService() Dim behavior As SoapProcessing Behavior New SoapProcessingBehavior() behavior. ProcessMessages = True client. Endpoint. Behaviors.Add(behavior)
B.In the application configuration file, add the following XML segment to the system.serviceModel configuration section group. <diagnosticss <messageLogging logMessagesAtTransportLeveeltrue”? logEntireMessageetrue” I> </diagnostics>
C.In the machine configuration file, add the following XML segment to the system.serviceModel configuration section. <mac hineSettings enableLoggingKnownPii=”true” I> Generate the ContosoService class using the Add Service Reference wizard. Add the following code segment. Dim client As ContosoService = New ContosoSenvice() client. Endpoint. Behaviors.Add(New CallbackDebugBehavior(True))
D.In the machine configuration file, add the following XML segment to the system.serviceModel configuration section. <mac hineSettings enableLoggingKnownPiietrue” 1> In the application configuration file, add the logKnownPii attribute to the message logging diagnostics source and set the value of the attribute to true. In the application configuration file, add the following XML segment to the system.serviceModel configuration section group. <diagnostics> <messageLogging logMessagesAtTransportLeveletrue”/> </diagnostics>
Answer: D
Question: 87
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service has the following contract. [ServiceContract (Namespaces"http://contoso.com”)] public interface IShipping { [OperationContract| string DoWork(int id); } This is one of several service contracts hosted by your application. All endpoints use SOAP 1.2 bindings with WS- Addressing 1.0. The System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging trace source in the system. diagnostics configuration section is configured with one listener. You need to make sure that only the messages that are returned from the DoWork operation are logged. Which XML segment should you add to the system. Service Model/diagnostics/
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Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
messageLogging/filters configuration element?
A.<add xmlns: addr="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing”> //addr:Action[text() = 'http://contoso.com/lShipping/DoWorkResponse’] </add>
B.<add xmlns:soape"http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope”>s //soap:Action[text() = 'http://contoso.com/lShipping/DoWorkResponse’] <adds
C.<add xmlns:addr="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing”s //addr:Action[text() = ‘http://contoso.com/lShipping/DoWork'] <adds
D.<add xmlns: soap=”http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope”s //soap:Actiontext() = ‘http://contoso.com/lShipping/DoWork'] </adds
Answer: A
Question: 88
A Windows Communication Foundation (VVCF) service has the following contract. <ServiceContract (Namespace:z”http://contoso.com”)>? Public Interface lShipping <OperationContract0>e Function DoWork(ByVal id As Integer) As String End Interface This is one of several service contracts hosted by your application. All endpoints use SOAP 1.2 bindings with WS-Addressing 1.0. The System. ServiceModel. Message Logging trace source in the system. diagnostics configuration section is configured with one listener. You need to make sure that only the messages that are returned from the DoWork operation are logged Which XML segment should you add to the system. serviceModel/diagnostics/messageLogging/filters configuration element?
A.<add xmlns: addr"http://www.w3. org/2005/08/addressing”> //addr:Action[text() = 'http://contoso.com/lShipping/DoWorkResponse'] <add>
B.<add xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope”s //soap:Action[text() = 'http://contoso.com/lShipping/DoWorkResponse’] </add>
C.<add xmlns:addre"http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing”se //addrAction[text() = ‘http://contoso.com/lShipping/DoWork’] </add>
D.<add xmlns:soap=”http://wwww3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope”s //soap:Action[text() = ‘http://contoso.com/lShipping/DoWork'] <add>
Answer: A
Question: 89
You are implementing a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service contract named lContosoService in a class named ContosoService. The service occasionally fails due to an exception being thrown at the service. You need to send the stack trace of any unhandled exceptions to clients as a fault message. What should you do?
A.In the application configuration file on the client, add the following XML segment to the system.serviceModel/behaviors configuration section group. <endpointBehaviors> <behavior names’debug”>v <callbackDebug includeExceptionDetaillnFaultse”true” 1s <behavior> </endpointBehaviors> Associate the debug behavior with any endpoints that need to return exception details.
B.In the application configuration file on the service and all the clients, add the following XML segment to the system.diagnostics/sources configuration section group. <source namee’System. ServiceModel” switc hValuee’Error” propagateActivtfye’true”ss <listeners> <add namee"ServiceModelTraceListener” initializeData=”appntracelog.svclog”” types’System. Diagnostic s.XmlWriterTraceListener” Is </listeners> </source>
C.Apply the following attribute to the ContosoService class. [ServiceBehavior(lncludeExceptionDetaillnFaults = true)]
D.For each OperationContract exposed by lcontosoService, apply the following attribute. [FaultContract(typeof
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
Answer: C
Question: 90
You are implementing a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service contract named IContosoService in a class named ContosoService. The service occasionally fails due to an exception being thrown at the service. You need to send the stack trace of any unhandled exceptions to clients as a fault message. What should you do?
A.In the application configuration file on the client, add the following XML segment to the system.serviceModel/behaviors configuration section group. <endpointBehaviors> <behavior names”debug”>v
<callbackDebug inc ludeExceptionDetaillnFaultsz”true” 1> </behavior> </endpointBehaviorss Associate the debug behavior with any endpoints that need to return exception details.
B.In the application configuration file on the service and all the clients, add the following XML segment to the system.diagnostics/sources configuration section group. <source namez’System. ServiceModel” switc hValuez’Error” propagateActivityz”true”> <listeners> <add namee”ServiceModeITraceListener” initializeDataz”app-tracelog. svclog” typez”System. Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener” Is </listeners> </source>
C.Apply the following attribute to the ContosoService class. <ServiceBehavior(lncludeExceptionDetaillnFaults: True)>
D.For each OperationContract exposed by IContosoService, apply the following attribute. <FaultContract(GetType(Exception))>
Answer: C
Question: 91
A Windows Communication Foundation (wCF) service is generating a separate namespace declaration for each body member of a message contract, even though all body members share the same namespace. You need to simplify the XML representation of your message contract so that the namespace is only declared once. What should you do?
A.Declare a wrapper namespace for the message contract by using the WrapperNamespace property of the MessageContract attribute
B.Explicitly set the Namespace property of all the MessageBodyMember attrbutes to the same namespace.
C.Declare all the body members as properties of a DataContract class and use the class as the only body member of the message contract.
D.Declare all of the body members as properties of a separate MessageContract class and use the class as the only body member of the message contract.
Answer: C
Question: 92
You are developing a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. You write a method named Submit that accepts messages of the type System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message. You need to process the body of the incoming messages multiple times in the method. Which two actions should you perform? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose two.)
A.Use the GetBody method of the Message class to read the content of the messages.
B.Use the CreateBufferedCopy method of the Message class to load the messages into memory.
C.Use the WriteBodyContents method of the BodyWriter class to make a copy of the messages.
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Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
D. Use the CreateMessage method of the MessageBuffer class to make a copy of the messages.
Answer: B, D
Question: 93
You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that responds using plain-old xML (POX). You have the following requirements “You must enable the /catalog.svcfitems operation to respond using the POX, JSON, or ATOM formats. You also must ensure that the same URL is used regardless of the result type. “You must determine the response format by using the Accepts HTTP header. What should you do?
A.Implement the IChannellnitializer interface in the service class
B.Implement the System Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter interface in the service class.
C.Set the BodyStyle parameter of the WebGet attribute on the operation to WebMessageBodyStyleWrappedResponse.
D.Set the retum type of the operation to System ServiceModel Channels Message. Use the current WebOperationContext methods to return the data in the required format
Answer: D
Question: 94
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) solution uses two services to manage a shopping cart Service A processes messages containing line items that total between $0 and s500. Service B processes messages containing line items that total more than $50O All messages are of equal importance to the business logic You need to route incoming messages to the appropriate services by using WCF routing Which two message filters should you add to the router? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution, Choose two.)
A.A message filter with a priority of 100 that will forward messages that total between $0 and s500 to Service A
B.A message filter with a priority of 0 that will forward messages that total between $0 and s500 to Service A
C.A message filter with a priority of 0 that will forward all messages to Service B
D.A message filter with a priority of 100 that will forward all messages to Service B
Answer: A, C
Question: 95
You have an existing Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. You need to ensure that other services are notified when the service is started. What should you do?
A.Add the following standard endpoint to the service <endpoint names”udpAnnouncementEndpoint” kinde”udpDiscoveryEndpoint" I>
B.Add the following standard endpoint to the service <endpoint namez”udpDiscoveryEndpoint kinde”udpAnnouncementEndpoint" I>
C.Add a service behavior with the following element. <serviceDiscovery> <announcementEndpointss <endpoint kinde’udpDiscoveryEndpoint" Is </announcementEndpointss </serviceDiscovery>
D.Add a service behavior with the following element. <serviceDiscovery> <announcementEndpointss <endpoint kind=”udpAnnouncementEndpoinV" 1s </announcementEndpoints> </serviceDiscovery>
Answer: D
Question: 96
You are developing a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that reads messages from a public non-transactional MSMQ queue You need to configure the service to read messages from the failed-delivery
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
queue Which URI should you specify in the endpoint configuration settings of the service?
A.Net msmq:llloc alhost/msmqS: FailedMessages
B.Net msmq/I1ocalhostJmsmq$DeadLetter
C.Net msmq /Ilocalhostisystem$ DeadXact
D.Net. msmqJ11ocalhostIsystem$ DeadLetter
Answer: D
Question: 97
You have an existing windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that exposes a service contract over HTTP You need to expose that contract over HTTP and TCP What should you do?
A.Add a neticp base address to the host.
B.Add an endpoint configured with a netTcpBinding
C.Add an endpoint behavior named netTcpBehavior to the existing endpoint.
D.Add a binding configuration to the existing endpoint named netTcpBinding
Answer: B
Question: 98
You have an existing Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Web service. The Web service is not responding to messages larger than 64 KB. You need to ensure that the Web service can accept messages larger than 64 KB without generating errors. What should you do?
A.Increase the value of maxReceivedMessageSize on the endpoint binding.
B.Increase the value of maxRequestLength on the httpRuntime element.
C.Increase the value of maxBufferSize on the endpoint binding.
D.Increase the value of maxBufferPoolSize on the endpoint binding.
Answer: A
Question: 99
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service is responsible for transmitting XML documents between systems. The service has the following requirements: “It must minimize the transmission size by attaching the XML document as is without using escape characters or base64 encoding. “It must interoperate with systems that use SOAP but are not built on the .NET plafform. You need to configure the service to support these requirements. Which message encoding should you use?
A.Binary message encoding
B.MTOM (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism) message encoding
C.Text message encoding with message version set to none
D.Text message encoding with message version set to SOAP 1.2
Answer: B
Question: 100
You are moving a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service into production. You need to be able to monitor the health of the service. You only want to enable all performance counter instances exposed by the ServiceModelService 40.0.0 counter group Which element should you add to the system.serviceModel section in the application configuration file?
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
A.<diagnostics performance Counters=’ServiceOnly” />
B.<diagnostics wmi Provider Enabled=’true” performance Counters=”Ofr r>
C.<diagnostics performance Counters='Alr’ 1>
D.<diagnostics wmi Provider Enablede”true" I>
Answer: A
Question: 101
Four Wndows Corrmmunication Foundation (VVCF) services are hosted in Microsoft Internet Information Servces (uS). No betavior configiration exists in the web config fiIe You need to configtre the applicaion so that every service and endpoint limits the number of concurrent calls to 50 and the riumber of concurrent sesgons to 25. Which xML segmelt should you add to the systemserviceModel configt.ration section of the webconfig file?
A.<behavors> <serviceBehaviors> <behavior mee"-’>o <serviceThrottling maxConcurrertCallse”50 maxConc urrentSessionse25"Is <Ibehawor>i </serviceBehaviors> </behavors>
B.<behaviors> <serviceBehaviors> <behavior namee’defaulr”> <serviceThrottling maxConcunentCalls-’5(T maxConcunentSessions-’25”/s </behaviors <lserviceBehaviors> </behaviors>
C.<behaviors> <serviceBehaviors> <behavior meeMe>i <serviceThrottling maxConcurrentCallse”50 maxConcurrentSessions-’25’I> </beha,ior> </serviceBehaviors> </behaviors>
D.<behawv,ors> <serviceBehaviors> <behavior name-ALL”> <serviceThrottling naxConc urrei1Callse”50 maxConc urret1Sessionss257> </behavior> <IservKeBehaviorss </behavors>
Answer: C
Question: 102
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service is self-hosted in a console application. The service implements the lTimeService service interface in the TimeService class. You need to configure the service endpoint for HTTP communication. How should you define the service and endpoint tags?
A.Define the service tag as follows <service nameeTmeServvcew> Define the endpoint tag as follows. <endpoint kinde’TimeSenvice” addresse”mttp Moc alhost 8080/TimeService” binding “wsHttpBinding” c ontract:lTimeService”/>?
B.Define the service tag as follows.
<service nameeTimeService'>c Define the endpoint tag as follows. cendpoint kIndehlTimeService" addresseThttp:Moc alhost: 8080/TimeService bindinge’wsHttpBinding” contractslTimeService’I>?
C.Define the service tag as follows. <service nameelTimeServicer> Define the endpoint tag as follows. <endpoint namee”TimeServ,c ew addresse”mttp hoc alhost 8080/TimeService” binding :“wsHttpBinding” contractlTimeService"/>
D.Define the service tag as follows. <senvice namee’TimeServicer> Define the endpoint tag as follows. <endpointaddresse’http hlocalhost 808OfTimeService” bindinge”wsHttpBinding” c ontract-YTimeService”/>
Answer: D
Question: 103
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service will be hosted in Microsoft Intemnet Information Services (uS). You create a new application in uS to host this service and copy the service DLL to the bin directory of the application. You need to complete the deployment of this service to uS. what should you do next?
A.Create an asmx file and add a @ServiceHost directive to this file. Copy the file to the root of the application directory.
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
B.Create an .asmx file and add a @Register directive to this file. Copy the file to the bin directoyy of the application.
C.Create a svc file and add a @ServiceHost directive to this file Copy the file to the root of the application directory.
D.Create a .svc file and add a @Register directive to this file. Copy the file to the bin directory of the application.
Answer: C
Question: 104
You are developing a windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that will be hosted in Microsoft Intemnet Information Services (IIS) 7.0. The service must be hosted in an lIs application named Info. You need to enable this senvice to be hosted in llS by changing the web.config file Which XML segment should you add to the web.conflg file?
A.<serviceHostingEnvironment> <senviceActivations> <add relativeAddress="lnfo svc servicesYnfo I> </serviceActivations> <IserviceHostingEnvironment>
B.<serviceHostingEnvironment> <serviceActivations> <add relativeAddressz"lnfo” servicezSinfo .svc I> </serviceActivations> </serviceHostingEnvironment>
C.<servic eHostingE nvironment> <transportConfigurationTypes> <add nameelnfo transportConfigurationTypelnfo. svc" r> <ItransportConfigurationTypes> <lserviceHostingEnvironment>
D.<serviceHostingEnvironment> <transportConfigurationTypes> <add name=wlnfo svc" transportConfigurationTypee”FileNotRequired" I> </transportConhgurationTypes> iserviceHostingEnvironment>
Answer: A
Question: 105
You are creating a windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. You need to ensure that the service is compatible wfth ASP NET to make use of the session state. Which binding should you use?
Answer: B
Question: 106
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client communicates with a service. You created the client proxy by using Add Service Reference in Microsoft Visual Studio. You need to ensure that the client accepts responses of up to 5 MB in size. What should you change in the configuration file’?
A.The value of the maxBufferPoolSize attribute to 5242880
B.The value of the maxReceivedMessageSize attribute to 5242880
C.The value of the maxBytesPerRead attribute to 5242880
D.The value of the maxBufferSize attribute to 5242880
Answer: B
Question: 107
An ASP NET application hosts a RESTful Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service at
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
/ServiceslContoso.svc. The service provides a JavaScnpt resource to clients. You have an explicit reference to the JavaScript in your page markup as follows. <script typeetext/javaSc ript’ srcsIServices/Contoso. svc/js” I> You need to retrieve the debug version of the service JavaScnpt. What should you do?
A.In the <%@ ServiceHost %> header for /ServiceslContoso.svc, set the Debug attribute to true.
B.In the <%@ Page %s header, set the Debug attribute to true.
C.In the script tag, add a debug attribute and set its value to true.
D.In the script tag, append debug to the src attribute
Answer: D
Question: 108
You are implementing a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client application that consumes the ICatalog and lCatalog2 service interfaces You need to ensure that the client discovers services implementing these interfaces The services may already be online or may come online within a 30 second time limit How should you use WCF Discovery to accomplish this?
A.Create one FindCriteria object for each interface and set the Duration of each FindCritena to 30 seconds Call the FindAsync method of the DiscoveryChent class twice, one time for each of the FindCriteria objects, to search for the services.
B.Create one FindCriteria obyect for each interface and set the Duration of each FindCntena to two seconds. Create a loop that calls the Find method of the DiscoveryClient class to search for the services. Within each loop iteration, call the Find method of the DiscoveryClient class once for each of the FindCriteria objects Run the loop until a sevvice is found or 30 seconds pass.
C.Create a single FindCritena object and add both interfaces to its ContractTypeNames collection. Set the cnteria's Duration to two seconds. Create a loop that calls the Find method of the DiscoveryClient class to search for the services. Within each loop iteration, call the Find method of the DiscoveryClient class to search for the services Run the loop until a sevvice is found or 30 seconds pass.
D.Create a single FindCritera obyect and add both interfaces to the ContractTypeNames collection. Set the Duration to 30 seconds and use the FindAsync method of the DiscoveryClient class to search for the services.
Answer: B
Question: 109
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service sends notifications when the service is started and stopped.You need to implement a client that logs these notifications. Which class should you use?
Answer: A
Question: 110
You are using windows Communication Foundation (WCF) to create a service. You need to implement a custom message-level securtty binding element Which binding element should you use?
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
D. WindowsStreamSec urityBindingElement
Answer: A
Question: 111
The endpoint of a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service uses basicHttpBinding for its binding Your company’s policies have changed to require that messages not be sent in clear text You must ensure that all messages are encrypted when traveling across the network What should you do?
A.Set the ProtectionLevelAttnbute on the service contract and update the binding attribute in the endpoint element of the configuration file to wsHttpBinding
B.Set the ProtectionLevelAttribute on the service contract and update the bindingConfiguration attribute in the endpoint element of the configuration file to webHttpBinding
C.Set the PrincipalPermissionAttribute on the service contract and update the binding attribute in the endpoint element of the configuration file to wsHttpBinding
D.Set the PnncipalPermissionAttribute on the service contract and update the bindingConflguration attribute in the endpoint eeement of the configuration file to wsHttpBinding.
Answer: A
Question: 112
You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service based on WSHttpBinding. New audit requirements dictate that callers must be authenticated on every call to ensure that their credentials have not been revoked. You need to ensure that the service will not cache the security request token. What should you do?
A.Apply a ServiceBehavior attribute to the service implementation class with the lnstanceContextMode property set to Single.
B.In the message security configuration, change clientCredentialType from lssuedToken to UserName
C.In the message security configuration, set establishSecurityContext to false.
D.At the end of every operation, call the SessionStateUtility.RaiseSessionEnd method.
Answer: C
Question: 113
You have a self-hosted Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. You need to configure the service to provide an X.509 certificate during authentication What should you use to configure the service?
A.The Certificate property of the X509CertificatelnitiatorServiceCredential class
B.The SetCertificate method of the X509CertificatelnitiatorServiceCredential class
C.The SetCertificate method of the X5O9CertificateRecipientServiceCredential class
D.The TrustedStoreLocation property of the X5O9CertificateRecipientServiceCredential class
Answer: C
Question: 114
You are creating an ASP NET web application that hosts several Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services The services have ASP. NET Compatibility Mode enabled. Users authenticate with the Web application by using a cookie-based ASR NET Forms Authentication model. You add a service tile named Authentication. svc that contains the following code segment <%@ SenviceHost Servicee"System Web Application Services Authentication Service” Factory="System.Web.ApplicationServices.AppicationServicesHostFactory’ %> You need to ensure that users can access the WCF services without having to re-authenticate. Which two configuration
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
settings should you add? (Each is part of a complete solution. Choose two.)
A.In the system web. Extensions scripting/web Services!authentication Service element, set the enabled attribute to true.
B.In the system web. Extensions scripting/web Services/profile Service element, set the enabled attribute to true.
C.Add a service endpoint with basic Http Binding for the contract System. Web Application Services. Authentication Service.
D.Add a custom service behavior named Authentication Service Type Behaviors with a service Authentication Manager element that has service Authentication Manager Type set to System Web Security. SQL Membership Provider
Answer: A, C
Question: 115
Self-hosted Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service uses a secure HTTP binding with a custom principal permission mode The binding requires users to provide their Windows logon credentials. You need to retrieve the identity of the caller What are two possible properties you can use to achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution Choose two)
A.Thread Current Principal identity Name
B.Http Context. Current.User. Identity. Name
C.Service Security Context.Current. Primary identity. Name
D.Operation Context Current. Service Security Context Primary identity Name
Answer: C, D
Question: 116
You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that accepts claims-based tokens. You need to ensure that the service can use claims from trading partners even though there are variations on naming for the same elements Which two actions should you perform? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution Choose two.)
A.Register a custom Service Authorization Manager that implements Check Access In this method, use System. Convert. Change Type to transform the incoming claim set to a Windows Claim Set type.
B.Apply a Principal Permission attribute on the operation with the required claims listed in the Roles property.
C.Within the operation, verify the presence of the required claims in the current Authorization Context
D.Register an Authorization Policy that maps external claims to an internal Claim Set.
Answer: C, D
Question: 117
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service uses a list of application-defined roles for operations. These roles are stored in a database You need to authorize calls against the list of roles retrieved from the database. Which service behavior should you use to authorize the calls?
A.<serviceAuthorization principalPermissionModez”None” roleProviderNames”SqlProvider” />
B.<serviceAuthorization principalPermissionMode=”None” roleProviderNamee”SqlProvider” Is
C.<serviceAuthorization principalPermissionModes”None” roleProviderNames”SqlProvider” I>
D.<serviceAuthorization principalPermissionModez”None” roleProviderNamez’SqlProvider” />
Answer: B
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
Question: 118
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service is required to log all authorization attempts to the Windows Event Log. You need to configure a behavior and apply it to the service to support this requirement. Which behavior should you configure and apply?
A.Service Authentication Manager
B.Service Authonzation
C.Service Crederitials
D.Service Security Audit
Answer: D
Question: 119
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service only accepts messages that are signed and encrypted A client application is not receiving expected responses from the service. You need to enable logging to verity that the messages from the client are signed and encrypted. You also need to see what each message looks like before the message body is deserialized into a NET object What should you do?
A.Configure the System Service Model trace source in the system diagnostics configuration section. In the system service Model configuration add the following xML segment <diagnostics> <message Logging log Entire Messages”true logMessagesAtServiceLeveIetrue" logMessagesAtTransportLeveletrue" /> </diagnostics>
B.Configure the System. Service Model trace source in the system diagnostics configuration section In the system.serviceModel configuration, add the following XML segment, ediagnostics> <message Logging log Entire Message=”tne log Messages t Service LeveI-true’ Is <Jdiagnostics>
C.Configure the System. Service Model Message Logging trace source in the system diagnostics configuration section In the system.service Model configuration, add the following XML segment. ediagnostics> <message Logging log Entire Message=’true Iog Messages At Service LeveIe true" log Messages At Transport Level=true" I> <Idiagnostics>
D.Configure the System. Service Model Message Logging trace source in the system.diagnostics configuration section. In the system service Model configuration, add the following xML segment <diagnostics> <message Logging Iog Messages At Service Levele true” log Messages At Transport Levele”true" 1> </diagnostics>
Answer: C
Question: 120
You want to debug the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client and server interaction through message and application tracing. You need to correlate traces generated on the client and the server. Which XML segment should you add to the system.diagnostics configuration element in the client and server application configuration file?
A.<sources> <source propagate Activitye’true” namee”System Service Model” switc hValues’Warning, ActivityTrac ing’> <listenerss <add namez”ServiceModelTraceListener” /> </listeners> </source> </sources>
B.<sources> <source names”System ServiceModel. MessageLogging” switchValuee"Verbose"> <listeners> <add namez"ServiceModelTraceListener” /> <Ilisteners> </source> </sources>
C.<sources> <source names”System. ServiceModeiMessageLogging” propagateActivitye’true” switc hValues’Warning, ActivityTrac ing’5 <listeners> <add name="ServiceModelTraceListener” I> </listeners> </source> </sources>
D.<sources> <source names”System. ServiceModel” switc hValues’VerboseActivityTrac ing”> <listeners> <add namee"ServiceModelTraceListener” /> </listeners> </source> </sources>
Exam Name: | Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 | ||
Exam Type: | Microsoft | ||
Exam Code: | 70-513 | Total Question | 121 |
Answer: A
Question: 121
You are using tracing to diagnose run-time issues When you look at the traces for the service in Svc Trace viewer exe, you see what is shown in the exhibit (Click the Exhibit button) The exception trace is selected in Svc Trace reviewer exe You need to interpret the trace results to determine where the error occurred and what to do next
What should you do?
A.This issue occurred in the ServiceHost during ServiceHost OpenO. Enable WMI by adding the following configuration to the system.serviceModel configuration section in the application configuration file <diagnostics wmiProviderEnabledetrue’!> Restart the application and inspect the endpoints visible through WMI
B.This issue occurred in the Service Host during Service Host.Open. Compare the security settings for any endpoints that use an MSMQ transport to the security configuration of the MSMQ queue used by the endpoint
C.This issue occurred at the Service Host when receiving a message Compare the security configurations on the client and server to make sure that they are compatible
D.This issue occurred at the ServiceHost when accepting an initial set of messages from MSMQ. Log all messages sent between the client and the sever.
Answer: B
End of document
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